import { wait } from '@root-helpers/utils' import { Segment } from 'p2p-media-loader-core' import { basename } from 'path' type SegmentsJSON = { [filename: string]: string | { [byterange: string]: string } } const maxRetries = 3 function segmentValidatorFactory (segmentsSha256Url: string, isLive: boolean) { let segmentsJSON = fetchSha256Segments(segmentsSha256Url) const regex = /bytes=(\d+)-(\d+)/ return async function segmentValidator (segment: Segment, retry = 1) { // Wait for hash generation from the server if (isLive) await wait(1000) const filename = basename(segment.url) const segmentValue = (await segmentsJSON)[filename] if (!segmentValue && retry > maxRetries) { throw new Error(`Unknown segment name ${filename} in segment validator`) } if (!segmentValue) { console.log('Refetching sha segments for %s.', filename) await wait(1000) segmentsJSON = fetchSha256Segments(segmentsSha256Url) await segmentValidator(segment, retry + 1) return } let hashShouldBe: string let range = '' if (typeof segmentValue === 'string') { hashShouldBe = segmentValue } else { const captured = regex.exec(segment.range) range = captured[1] + '-' + captured[2] hashShouldBe = segmentValue[range] } if (hashShouldBe === undefined) { throw new Error(`Unknown segment name ${filename}/${range} in segment validator`) } const calculatedSha = await sha256Hex( if (calculatedSha !== hashShouldBe) { throw new Error( `Hashes does not correspond for segment ${filename}/${range}` + `(expected: ${hashShouldBe} instead of ${calculatedSha})` ) } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { segmentValidatorFactory } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fetchSha256Segments (url: string) { return fetch(url) .then(res => res.json() as Promise) .catch(err => { console.error('Cannot get sha256 segments', err) return {} }) } async function sha256Hex (data?: ArrayBuffer) { if (!data) return undefined if (window.crypto.subtle) { return window.crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', data) .then(data => bufferToHex(data)) } // Fallback for non HTTPS context const shaModule = await import('sha.js') return new shaModule.sha256().update(Buffer.from(data)).digest('hex') } // Thanks: function bufferToHex (buffer?: ArrayBuffer) { if (!buffer) return '' let s = '' const h = '0123456789abcdef' const o = new Uint8Array(buffer) o.forEach((v: any) => s += h[ v >> 4 ] + h[ v & 15 ]) return s }