import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core' import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router' import { immutableAssign } from '@app/shared/misc/utils' import { AuthService } from '../../core/auth' import { AbstractVideoList } from '../../shared/video/abstract-video-list' import { VideoSortField } from '../../shared/video/sort-field.type' import { VideoService } from '../../shared/video/video.service' import { I18n } from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill' import { ScreenService } from '@app/shared/misc/screen.service' import { Notifier, ServerService } from '@app/core' import { HooksService } from '@app/core/plugins/hooks.service' @Component({ selector: 'my-videos-trending', styleUrls: [ '../../shared/video/abstract-video-list.scss' ], templateUrl: '../../shared/video/abstract-video-list.html' }) export class VideoTrendingComponent extends AbstractVideoList implements OnInit, OnDestroy { titlePage: string defaultSort: VideoSortField = '-trending' useUserVideoLanguagePreferences = true constructor ( protected i18n: I18n, protected router: Router, protected serverService: ServerService, protected route: ActivatedRoute, protected notifier: Notifier, protected authService: AuthService, protected screenService: ScreenService, private videoService: VideoService, private hooks: HooksService ) { super() } ngOnInit () { super.ngOnInit() this.generateSyndicationList() this.serverService.getConfig().subscribe( config => { const trendingDays = config.trending.videos.intervalDays if (trendingDays === 1) { this.titlePage = this.i18n('Trending for the last 24 hours') this.titleTooltip = this.i18n('Trending videos are those totalizing the greatest number of views during the last 24 hours') } else { this.titlePage = this.i18n('Trending for the last {{days}} days', { days: trendingDays }) this.titleTooltip = this.i18n( 'Trending videos are those totalizing the greatest number of views during the last {{days}} days', { days: trendingDays } ) } }) } ngOnDestroy () { super.ngOnDestroy() } getVideosObservable (page: number) { const newPagination = immutableAssign(this.pagination, { currentPage: page }) const params = { videoPagination: newPagination, sort: this.sort, categoryOneOf: this.categoryOneOf, languageOneOf: this.languageOneOf, skipCount: true } return this.hooks.wrapObsFun( this.videoService.getVideos.bind(this.videoService), params, 'common', 'filter:api.trending-videos.videos.list.params', 'filter:api.trending-videos.videos.list.result' ) } generateSyndicationList () { this.syndicationItems = this.videoService.getVideoFeedUrls(this.sort, undefined, this.categoryOneOf) } }