import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core' import { VideoPlaylist } from '@app/shared/video-playlist/video-playlist.model' import { ComponentPagination } from '@app/shared/rest/component-pagination.model' import { Video } from '@app/shared/video/video.model' import { VideoDetails, VideoPlaylistPrivacy } from '@shared/models' import { VideoService } from '@app/shared/video/video.service' import { Router } from '@angular/router' import { AuthService } from '@app/core' @Component({ selector: 'my-video-watch-playlist', templateUrl: './video-watch-playlist.component.html', styleUrls: [ './video-watch-playlist.component.scss' ] }) export class VideoWatchPlaylistComponent { @Input() video: VideoDetails @Input() playlist: VideoPlaylist playlistVideos: Video[] = [] playlistPagination: ComponentPagination = { currentPage: 1, itemsPerPage: 30, totalItems: null } noPlaylistVideos = false currentPlaylistPosition = 1 constructor ( private auth: AuthService, private videoService: VideoService, private router: Router ) {} onPlaylistVideosNearOfBottom () { // Last page if (this.playlistPagination.totalItems <= (this.playlistPagination.currentPage * this.playlistPagination.itemsPerPage)) return this.playlistPagination.currentPage += 1 this.loadPlaylistElements(this.playlist,false) } onElementRemoved (video: Video) { this.playlistVideos = this.playlistVideos.filter(v => !== this.playlistPagination.totalItems-- } isPlaylistOwned () { return this.playlist.isLocal === true && this.auth.isLoggedIn() && === this.auth.getUser().username } isUnlistedPlaylist () { return === VideoPlaylistPrivacy.UNLISTED } isPrivatePlaylist () { return === VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PRIVATE } isPublicPlaylist () { return === VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC } loadPlaylistElements (playlist: VideoPlaylist, redirectToFirst = false) { this.videoService.getPlaylistVideos(playlist.uuid, this.playlistPagination) .subscribe(({ totalVideos, videos }) => { this.playlistVideos = this.playlistVideos.concat(videos) this.playlistPagination.totalItems = totalVideos if (totalVideos === 0) { this.noPlaylistVideos = true return } this.updatePlaylistIndex( if (redirectToFirst) { const extras = { queryParams: { videoId: this.playlistVideos[ 0 ].uuid }, replaceUrl: true } this.router.navigate([], extras) } }) } updatePlaylistIndex (video: VideoDetails) { if (this.playlistVideos.length === 0 || !video) return for (const playlistVideo of this.playlistVideos) { if ( === { this.currentPlaylistPosition = playlistVideo.playlistElement.position return } } // Load more videos to find our video this.onPlaylistVideosNearOfBottom() } navigateToNextPlaylistVideo () { if (this.currentPlaylistPosition < this.playlistPagination.totalItems) { const next = this.playlistVideos.find(v => v.playlistElement.position === this.currentPlaylistPosition + 1) const start = next.playlistElement.startTimestamp const stop = next.playlistElement.stopTimestamp this.router.navigate([],{ queryParams: { videoId: next.uuid, start, stop } }) } } }