import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core' import { FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms' import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router' import { VIDEO_IMAGE, VIDEO_SUPPORT } from '@app/shared' import { NotificationsService } from 'angular2-notifications' import { ServerService } from '../../../core/server' import { VIDEO_CHANNEL } from '../../../shared/forms/form-validators' import { ValidatorMessage } from '../../../shared/forms/form-validators/validator-message' import { VIDEO_CATEGORY, VIDEO_DESCRIPTION, VIDEO_LANGUAGE, VIDEO_LICENCE, VIDEO_NAME, VIDEO_PRIVACY, VIDEO_TAGS } from '../../../shared/forms/form-validators/video' import { VideoEdit } from '../../../shared/video/video-edit.model' import { map } from 'rxjs/operators' @Component({ selector: 'my-video-edit', styleUrls: [ './video-edit.component.scss' ], templateUrl: './video-edit.component.html' }) export class VideoEditComponent implements OnInit { @Input() form: FormGroup @Input() formErrors: { [ id: string ]: string } = {} @Input() validationMessages: ValidatorMessage = {} @Input() videoPrivacies = [] @Input() userVideoChannels: { id: number, label: string, support: string }[] = [] videoCategories = [] videoLicences = [] videoLanguages = [] video: VideoEdit tagValidators = VIDEO_TAGS.VALIDATORS tagValidatorsMessages = VIDEO_TAGS.MESSAGES error: string = null constructor ( private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private notificationsService: NotificationsService, private serverService: ServerService ) { } updateForm () { this.formErrors['name'] = '' this.formErrors['privacy'] = '' this.formErrors['channelId'] = '' this.formErrors['category'] = '' this.formErrors['licence'] = '' this.formErrors['language'] = '' this.formErrors['description'] = '' this.formErrors['thumbnailfile'] = '' this.formErrors['previewfile'] = '' this.formErrors['support'] = '' this.validationMessages['name'] = VIDEO_NAME.MESSAGES this.validationMessages['privacy'] = VIDEO_PRIVACY.MESSAGES this.validationMessages['channelId'] = VIDEO_CHANNEL.MESSAGES this.validationMessages['category'] = VIDEO_CATEGORY.MESSAGES this.validationMessages['licence'] = VIDEO_LICENCE.MESSAGES this.validationMessages['language'] = VIDEO_LANGUAGE.MESSAGES this.validationMessages['description'] = VIDEO_DESCRIPTION.MESSAGES this.validationMessages['thumbnailfile'] = VIDEO_IMAGE.MESSAGES this.validationMessages['previewfile'] = VIDEO_IMAGE.MESSAGES this.validationMessages['support'] = VIDEO_SUPPORT.MESSAGES this.form.addControl('name', new FormControl('', VIDEO_NAME.VALIDATORS)) this.form.addControl('privacy', new FormControl('', VIDEO_PRIVACY.VALIDATORS)) this.form.addControl('channelId', new FormControl('', VIDEO_CHANNEL.VALIDATORS)) this.form.addControl('nsfw', new FormControl(false)) this.form.addControl('commentsEnabled', new FormControl(true)) this.form.addControl('category', new FormControl('', VIDEO_CATEGORY.VALIDATORS)) this.form.addControl('licence', new FormControl('', VIDEO_LICENCE.VALIDATORS)) this.form.addControl('language', new FormControl('', VIDEO_LANGUAGE.VALIDATORS)) this.form.addControl('description', new FormControl('', VIDEO_DESCRIPTION.VALIDATORS)) this.form.addControl('tags', new FormControl([])) this.form.addControl('thumbnailfile', new FormControl('')) this.form.addControl('previewfile', new FormControl('')) this.form.addControl('support', new FormControl('', VIDEO_SUPPORT.VALIDATORS)) // We will update the "support" field depending on the channel this.form.controls['channelId'] .valueChanges .pipe(map(res => parseInt(res.toString(), 10))) .subscribe( newChannelId => { const oldChannelId = parseInt(this.form.value['channelId'], 10) const currentSupport = this.form.value['support'] // Not initialized yet if (isNaN(newChannelId)) return const newChannel = this.userVideoChannels.find(c => === newChannelId) // First time we set the channel? if (isNaN(oldChannelId)) return this.updateSupportField( const oldChannel = this.userVideoChannels.find(c => === oldChannelId) if (!newChannel || !oldChannel) { console.error('Cannot find new or old channel.') return } // If the current support text is not the same than the old channel, the user updated it. // We don't want the user to lose his text, so stop here if (currentSupport && currentSupport !== return // Update the support text with our new channel this.updateSupportField( } ) } ngOnInit () { this.updateForm() this.videoCategories = this.serverService.getVideoCategories() this.videoLicences = this.serverService.getVideoLicences() this.videoLanguages = this.serverService.getVideoLanguages() } private updateSupportField (support: string) { return this.form.patchValue({ support: support || '' }) } }