import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { Video } from '@app/shared/video/video.model' import { ServerConfig, VideoPlaylistElementType, VideoPlaylistElementUpdate } from '@shared/models' import { AuthService, ConfirmService, Notifier, ServerService } from '@app/core' import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router' import { I18n } from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill' import { VideoService } from '@app/shared/video/video.service' import { VideoPlaylistService } from '@app/shared/video-playlist/video-playlist.service' import { NgbDropdown } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' import { VideoPlaylist } from '@app/shared/video-playlist/video-playlist.model' import { secondsToTime } from '../../../assets/player/utils' import { VideoPlaylistElement } from '@app/shared/video-playlist/video-playlist-element.model' @Component({ selector: 'my-video-playlist-element-miniature', styleUrls: [ './video-playlist-element-miniature.component.scss' ], templateUrl: './video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }) export class VideoPlaylistElementMiniatureComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('moreDropdown') moreDropdown: NgbDropdown @Input() playlist: VideoPlaylist @Input() playlistElement: VideoPlaylistElement @Input() owned = false @Input() playing = false @Input() rowLink = false @Input() accountLink = true @Input() position: number // Keep this property because we're in the OnPush change detection strategy @Input() touchScreenEditButton = false @Output() elementRemoved = new EventEmitter() displayTimestampOptions = false timestampOptions: { startTimestampEnabled: boolean startTimestamp: number stopTimestampEnabled: boolean stopTimestamp: number } = {} as any private serverConfig: ServerConfig constructor ( private authService: AuthService, private serverService: ServerService, private notifier: Notifier, private confirmService: ConfirmService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private i18n: I18n, private videoService: VideoService, private videoPlaylistService: VideoPlaylistService, private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef ) {} ngOnInit (): void { this.serverConfig = this.serverService.getTmpConfig() this.serverService.getConfig() .subscribe(config => { this.serverConfig = config this.cdr.detectChanges() }) } isUnavailable (e: VideoPlaylistElement) { return e.type === VideoPlaylistElementType.UNAVAILABLE } isPrivate (e: VideoPlaylistElement) { return e.type === VideoPlaylistElementType.PRIVATE } isDeleted (e: VideoPlaylistElement) { return e.type === VideoPlaylistElementType.DELETED } buildRouterLink () { if (!this.playlist) return null return [ '/videos/watch/playlist', this.playlist.uuid ] } buildRouterQuery () { if (!this.playlistElement || ! return {} return { videoId:, start: this.playlistElement.startTimestamp, stop: this.playlistElement.stopTimestamp, resume: true } } isVideoBlur (video: Video) { return video.isVideoNSFWForUser(this.authService.getUser(), this.serverConfig) } removeFromPlaylist (playlistElement: VideoPlaylistElement) { const videoId = ? : undefined this.videoPlaylistService.removeVideoFromPlaylist(,, videoId) .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success(this.i18n('Video removed from {{name}}', { name: this.playlist.displayName })) this.elementRemoved.emit(playlistElement) }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) this.moreDropdown.close() } updateTimestamps (playlistElement: VideoPlaylistElement) { const body: VideoPlaylistElementUpdate = {} body.startTimestamp = this.timestampOptions.startTimestampEnabled ? this.timestampOptions.startTimestamp : null body.stopTimestamp = this.timestampOptions.stopTimestampEnabled ? this.timestampOptions.stopTimestamp : null this.videoPlaylistService.updateVideoOfPlaylist(,, body, .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success(this.i18n('Timestamps updated')) playlistElement.startTimestamp = body.startTimestamp playlistElement.stopTimestamp = body.stopTimestamp this.cdr.detectChanges() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) this.moreDropdown.close() } formatTimestamp (playlistElement: VideoPlaylistElement) { const start = playlistElement.startTimestamp const stop = playlistElement.stopTimestamp const startFormatted = secondsToTime(start, true, ':') const stopFormatted = secondsToTime(stop, true, ':') if (start === null && stop === null) return '' if (start !== null && stop === null) return this.i18n('Starts at ') + startFormatted if (start === null && stop !== null) return this.i18n('Stops at ') + stopFormatted return this.i18n('Starts at ') + startFormatted + this.i18n(' and stops at ') + stopFormatted } onDropdownOpenChange () { this.displayTimestampOptions = false } toggleDisplayTimestampsOptions (event: Event, playlistElement: VideoPlaylistElement) { event.preventDefault() this.displayTimestampOptions = !this.displayTimestampOptions if (this.displayTimestampOptions === true) { this.timestampOptions = { startTimestampEnabled: false, stopTimestampEnabled: false, startTimestamp: 0, stopTimestamp: } if (playlistElement.startTimestamp) { this.timestampOptions.startTimestampEnabled = true this.timestampOptions.startTimestamp = playlistElement.startTimestamp } if (playlistElement.stopTimestamp) { this.timestampOptions.stopTimestampEnabled = true this.timestampOptions.stopTimestamp = playlistElement.stopTimestamp } } // FIXME: why do we have to use setTimeout here? setTimeout(() => { this.cdr.detectChanges() }) } }