import { catchError, map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators' import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http' import { Injectable } from '@angular/core' import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs' import { peertubeTranslate, ResultList } from '../../../../../shared' import { RestExtractor } from '../rest' import { VideoService } from '@app/shared/video/video.service' import { objectToFormData, sortBy } from '@app/shared/misc/utils' import { VideoCaptionEdit } from '@app/shared/video-caption/video-caption-edit.model' import { VideoCaption } from '../../../../../shared/models/videos/caption/video-caption.model' import { ServerService } from '@app/core' @Injectable() export class VideoCaptionService { constructor ( private authHttp: HttpClient, private serverService: ServerService, private restExtractor: RestExtractor ) {} listCaptions (videoId: number | string): Observable> { return this.authHttp.get>(VideoService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + videoId + '/captions') .pipe( switchMap(captionsResult => { return this.serverService.getServerLocale() .pipe(map(translations => ({ captionsResult, translations }))) }), map(({ captionsResult, translations }) => { for (const c of { c.language.label = peertubeTranslate(c.language.label, translations) } return captionsResult }), map(captionsResult => { sortBy(, 'language', 'label') return captionsResult }) ) .pipe(catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res))) } removeCaption (videoId: number | string, language: string) { return this.authHttp.delete(VideoService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + videoId + '/captions/' + language) .pipe( map(this.restExtractor.extractDataBool), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) } addCaption (videoId: number | string, language: string, captionfile: File) { const body = { captionfile } const data = objectToFormData(body) return this.authHttp.put(VideoService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + videoId + '/captions/' + language, data) .pipe( map(this.restExtractor.extractDataBool), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) } updateCaptions (videoId: number | string, videoCaptions: VideoCaptionEdit[]) { let obs = of(true) for (const videoCaption of videoCaptions) { if (videoCaption.action === 'CREATE') { obs = obs.pipe(switchMap(() => this.addCaption(videoId,, videoCaption.captionfile))) } else if (videoCaption.action === 'REMOVE') { obs = obs.pipe(switchMap(() => this.removeCaption(videoId, } } return obs } }