import { catchError, map } from 'rxjs/operators' import { HttpClient, HttpParams, HttpRequest } from '@angular/common/http' import { Injectable } from '@angular/core' import { Observable } from 'rxjs' import { Video as VideoServerModel, VideoDetails as VideoDetailsServerModel } from '../../../../../shared' import { ResultList } from '../../../../../shared/models/result-list.model' import { UserVideoRateUpdate } from '../../../../../shared/models/videos/user-video-rate-update.model' import { UserVideoRate } from '../../../../../shared/models/videos/user-video-rate.model' import { VideoFilter } from '../../../../../shared/models/videos/video-query.type' import { FeedFormat } from '../../../../../shared/models/feeds/feed-format.enum' import { VideoRateType } from '../../../../../shared/models/videos/video-rate.type' import { VideoUpdate } from '../../../../../shared/models/videos/video-update.model' import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment' import { ComponentPagination } from '../rest/component-pagination.model' import { RestExtractor } from '../rest/rest-extractor.service' import { RestService } from '../rest/rest.service' import { UserService } from '../users/user.service' import { VideoSortField } from './sort-field.type' import { VideoDetails } from './video-details.model' import { VideoEdit } from './video-edit.model' import { Video } from './video.model' import { objectToFormData } from '@app/shared/misc/utils' import { Account } from '@app/shared/account/account.model' import { AccountService } from '@app/shared/account/account.service' import { VideoChannel } from '../../../../../shared/models/videos' import { VideoChannelService } from '@app/shared/video-channel/video-channel.service' @Injectable() export class VideoService { private static BASE_VIDEO_URL = environment.apiUrl + '/api/v1/videos/' private static BASE_FEEDS_URL = environment.apiUrl + '/feeds/videos.' constructor ( private authHttp: HttpClient, private restExtractor: RestExtractor, private restService: RestService ) {} getVideoViewUrl (uuid: string) { return VideoService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + uuid + '/views' } getVideo (uuid: string): Observable { return this.authHttp.get(VideoService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + uuid) .pipe( map(videoHash => new VideoDetails(videoHash)), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) } viewVideo (uuid: string): Observable { return, {}) .pipe( map(this.restExtractor.extractDataBool), catchError(this.restExtractor.handleError) ) } updateVideo (video: VideoEdit) { const language = video.language || null const licence = video.licence || null const category = video.category || null const description = video.description || null const support = || null const body: VideoUpdate = { name:, category, licence, language, support, description, channelId: video.channelId, privacy: video.privacy, tags: video.tags, nsfw: video.nsfw, commentsEnabled: video.commentsEnabled, thumbnailfile: video.thumbnailfile, previewfile: video.previewfile } const data = objectToFormData(body) return this.authHttp.put(VideoService.BASE_VIDEO_URL +, data) .pipe( map(this.restExtractor.extractDataBool), catchError(this.restExtractor.handleError) ) } uploadVideo (video: FormData) { const req = new HttpRequest('POST', VideoService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + 'upload', video, { reportProgress: true }) return this.authHttp .request<{ video: { id: number, uuid: string} }>(req) .pipe(catchError(this.restExtractor.handleError)) } getMyVideos (videoPagination: ComponentPagination, sort: VideoSortField): Observable<{ videos: Video[], totalVideos: number}> { const pagination = this.restService.componentPaginationToRestPagination(videoPagination) let params = new HttpParams() params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(params, pagination, sort) return this.authHttp.get(UserService.BASE_USERS_URL + '/me/videos', { params }) .pipe( map(this.extractVideos), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) } getAccountVideos ( account: Account, videoPagination: ComponentPagination, sort: VideoSortField ): Observable<{ videos: Video[], totalVideos: number}> { const pagination = this.restService.componentPaginationToRestPagination(videoPagination) let params = new HttpParams() params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(params, pagination, sort) return this.authHttp .get(AccountService.BASE_ACCOUNT_URL + + '/videos', { params }) .pipe( map(this.extractVideos), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) } getVideoChannelVideos ( videoChannel: VideoChannel, videoPagination: ComponentPagination, sort: VideoSortField ): Observable<{ videos: Video[], totalVideos: number}> { const pagination = this.restService.componentPaginationToRestPagination(videoPagination) let params = new HttpParams() params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(params, pagination, sort) return this.authHttp .get(VideoChannelService.BASE_VIDEO_CHANNEL_URL + videoChannel.uuid + '/videos', { params }) .pipe( map(this.extractVideos), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) } getVideos ( videoPagination: ComponentPagination, sort: VideoSortField, filter?: VideoFilter ): Observable<{ videos: Video[], totalVideos: number}> { const pagination = this.restService.componentPaginationToRestPagination(videoPagination) let params = new HttpParams() params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(params, pagination, sort) if (filter) { params = params.set('filter', filter) } return this.authHttp .get(VideoService.BASE_VIDEO_URL, { params }) .pipe( map(this.extractVideos), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) } buildBaseFeedUrls (params: HttpParams) { const feeds = [ { label: 'rss 2.0', url: VideoService.BASE_FEEDS_URL + FeedFormat.RSS.toLowerCase() }, { label: 'atom 1.0', url: VideoService.BASE_FEEDS_URL + FeedFormat.ATOM.toLowerCase() }, { label: 'json 1.0', url: VideoService.BASE_FEEDS_URL + FeedFormat.JSON.toLowerCase() } ] if (params && params.keys().length !== 0) { for (const feed of feeds) { feed.url += '?' + params.toString() } } return feeds } getVideoFeedUrls (sort: VideoSortField, filter?: VideoFilter) { let params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(new HttpParams(), undefined, sort) if (filter) params = params.set('filter', filter) return this.buildBaseFeedUrls(params) } getAccountFeedUrls (accountId: number) { let params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(new HttpParams()) params = params.set('accountId', accountId.toString()) return this.buildBaseFeedUrls(params) } getVideoChannelFeedUrls (videoChannelId: number) { let params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(new HttpParams()) params = params.set('videoChannelId', videoChannelId.toString()) return this.buildBaseFeedUrls(params) } searchVideos ( search: string, videoPagination: ComponentPagination, sort: VideoSortField ): Observable<{ videos: Video[], totalVideos: number}> { const url = VideoService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + 'search' const pagination = this.restService.componentPaginationToRestPagination(videoPagination) let params = new HttpParams() params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(params, pagination, sort) params = params.append('search', search) return this.authHttp .get>(url, { params }) .pipe( map(this.extractVideos), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) } removeVideo (id: number) { return this.authHttp .delete(VideoService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + id) .pipe( map(this.restExtractor.extractDataBool), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) } loadCompleteDescription (descriptionPath: string) { return this.authHttp .get(environment.apiUrl + descriptionPath) .pipe( map(res => res[ 'description' ]), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) } setVideoLike (id: number) { return this.setVideoRate(id, 'like') } setVideoDislike (id: number) { return this.setVideoRate(id, 'dislike') } unsetVideoLike (id: number) { return this.setVideoRate(id, 'none') } getUserVideoRating (id: number) { const url = UserService.BASE_USERS_URL + 'me/videos/' + id + '/rating' return this.authHttp.get(url) .pipe(catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res))) } private setVideoRate (id: number, rateType: VideoRateType) { const url = VideoService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + id + '/rate' const body: UserVideoRateUpdate = { rating: rateType } return this.authHttp .put(url, body) .pipe( map(this.restExtractor.extractDataBool), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) } private extractVideos (result: ResultList) { const videosJson = const totalVideos = const videos = [] for (const videoJson of videosJson) { videos.push(new Video(videoJson)) } return { videos, totalVideos } } }