import { OnInit } from '@angular/core' import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router' import { NotificationsService } from 'angular2-notifications' import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable' import { AuthService } from '../../core/auth' import { SortField } from './sort-field.type' import { VideoPagination } from './video-pagination.model' import { Video } from './video.model' export abstract class AbstractVideoList implements OnInit { pagination: VideoPagination = { currentPage: 1, itemsPerPage: 25, totalItems: null } sort: SortField = '-createdAt' defaultSort: SortField = '-createdAt' videos: Video[] = [] loadOnInit = true protected abstract notificationsService: NotificationsService protected abstract authService: AuthService protected abstract router: Router protected abstract route: ActivatedRoute protected abstract currentRoute: string abstract titlePage: string private loadedPages: { [ id: number ]: boolean } = {} abstract getVideosObservable (): Observable<{ videos: Video[], totalVideos: number}> get user () { return this.authService.getUser() } ngOnInit () { // Subscribe to route changes const routeParams = this.route.snapshot.params this.loadRouteParams(routeParams) if (this.loadOnInit === true) this.loadMoreVideos('after') } onNearOfTop () { if (this.pagination.currentPage > 1) { this.previousPage() } } onNearOfBottom () { if (this.hasMoreVideos()) { this.nextPage() } } reloadVideos () { this.videos = [] this.loadedPages = {} this.loadMoreVideos('before') } loadMoreVideos (where: 'before' | 'after') { if (this.loadedPages[this.pagination.currentPage] === true) return const observable = this.getVideosObservable() observable.subscribe( ({ videos, totalVideos }) => { // Paging is too high, return to the first one if (this.pagination.currentPage > 1 && totalVideos <= ((this.pagination.currentPage - 1) * this.pagination.itemsPerPage)) { this.pagination.currentPage = 1 this.setNewRouteParams() return this.reloadVideos() } this.loadedPages[this.pagination.currentPage] = true this.pagination.totalItems = totalVideos if (where === 'before') { this.videos = videos.concat(this.videos) } else { this.videos = this.videos.concat(videos) } }, error => this.notificationsService.error('Error', error.text) ) } protected hasMoreVideos () { // No results if (this.pagination.totalItems === 0) return false // Not loaded yet if (!this.pagination.totalItems) return true const maxPage = this.pagination.totalItems / this.pagination.itemsPerPage return maxPage > this.pagination.currentPage } protected previousPage () { this.pagination.currentPage-- this.setNewRouteParams() this.loadMoreVideos('before') } protected nextPage () { this.pagination.currentPage++ this.setNewRouteParams() this.loadMoreVideos('after') } protected buildRouteParams () { // There is always a sort and a current page const params = { sort: this.sort, page: this.pagination.currentPage } return params } protected loadRouteParams (routeParams: { [ key: string ]: any }) { this.sort = routeParams['sort'] as SortField || this.defaultSort if (routeParams['page'] !== undefined) { this.pagination.currentPage = parseInt(routeParams['page'], 10) } else { this.pagination.currentPage = 1 } } protected setNewRouteParams () { const routeParams = this.buildRouteParams() this.router.navigate([ this.currentRoute, routeParams ]) } }