import { debounceTime } from 'rxjs/operators' import { OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core' import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router' import { fromEvent, Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs' import { AuthService } from '../../core/auth' import { ComponentPagination } from '../rest/component-pagination.model' import { VideoSortField } from './sort-field.type' import { Video } from './video.model' import { ScreenService } from '@app/shared/misc/screen.service' import { MiniatureDisplayOptions, OwnerDisplayType } from '@app/shared/video/video-miniature.component' import { Syndication } from '@app/shared/video/syndication.model' import { Notifier, ServerService } from '@app/core' import { DisableForReuseHook } from '@app/core/routing/disable-for-reuse-hook' export abstract class AbstractVideoList implements OnInit, OnDestroy, DisableForReuseHook { pagination: ComponentPagination = { currentPage: 1, itemsPerPage: 25, totalItems: null } sort: VideoSortField = '-publishedAt' categoryOneOf?: number defaultSort: VideoSortField = '-publishedAt' syndicationItems: Syndication[] = [] loadOnInit = true videos: Video[] = [] ownerDisplayType: OwnerDisplayType = 'account' displayModerationBlock = false titleTooltip: string displayVideoActions = true disabled = false displayOptions: MiniatureDisplayOptions = { date: true, views: true, by: true, privacyLabel: true, privacyText: false, state: false, blacklistInfo: false } protected abstract notifier: Notifier protected abstract authService: AuthService protected abstract route: ActivatedRoute protected abstract serverService: ServerService protected abstract screenService: ScreenService protected abstract router: Router abstract titlePage: string private resizeSubscription: Subscription private angularState: number abstract getVideosObservable (page: number): Observable<{ videos: Video[], totalVideos: number }> abstract generateSyndicationList (): void get user () { return this.authService.getUser() } ngOnInit () { // Subscribe to route changes const routeParams = this.route.snapshot.queryParams this.loadRouteParams(routeParams) this.resizeSubscription = fromEvent(window, 'resize') .pipe(debounceTime(500)) .subscribe(() => this.calcPageSizes()) this.calcPageSizes() if (this.loadOnInit === true) this.loadMoreVideos() } ngOnDestroy () { if (this.resizeSubscription) this.resizeSubscription.unsubscribe() } disableForReuse () { this.disabled = true } enabledForReuse () { this.disabled = false } videoById (index: number, video: Video) { return } onNearOfBottom () { if (this.disabled) return // Last page if (this.pagination.totalItems <= (this.pagination.currentPage * this.pagination.itemsPerPage)) return this.pagination.currentPage += 1 this.setScrollRouteParams() this.loadMoreVideos() } loadMoreVideos () { const observable = this.getVideosObservable(this.pagination.currentPage) observable.subscribe( ({ videos, totalVideos }) => { this.pagination.totalItems = totalVideos this.videos = this.videos.concat(videos) this.onMoreVideos() }, error => this.notifier.error(error.message) ) } reloadVideos () { this.pagination.currentPage = 1 this.videos = [] this.loadMoreVideos() } toggleModerationDisplay () { throw new Error('toggleModerationDisplay is not implemented') } removeVideoFromArray (video: Video) { this.videos = this.videos.filter(v => !== } // On videos hook for children that want to do something protected onMoreVideos () { /* empty */ } protected loadRouteParams (routeParams: { [ key: string ]: any }) { this.sort = routeParams[ 'sort' ] as VideoSortField || this.defaultSort this.categoryOneOf = routeParams[ 'categoryOneOf' ] this.angularState = routeParams[ 'a-state' ] } private calcPageSizes () { if (this.screenService.isInMobileView()) { this.pagination.itemsPerPage = 5 } } private setScrollRouteParams () { // Already set if (this.angularState) return this.angularState = 42 const queryParams = { 'a-state': this.angularState, categoryOneOf: this.categoryOneOf } let path = this.router.url if (!path || path === '/') path = this.serverService.getConfig().instance.defaultClientRoute this.router.navigate([ path ], { queryParams, replaceUrl: true, queryParamsHandling: 'merge' }) } }