import * as debug from 'debug' import { fromEvent, Observable, Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs' import { concatMap, debounceTime, map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators' import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core' import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router' import { AuthService, ComponentPaginationLight, Notifier, PeerTubeRouterService, ScreenService, ServerService, User, UserService } from '@app/core' import { GlobalIconName } from '@app/shared/shared-icons' import { logger } from '@root-helpers/logger' import { isLastMonth, isLastWeek, isThisMonth, isToday, isYesterday } from '@shared/core-utils' import { ResultList, UserRight, VideoSortField } from '@shared/models' import { Syndication, Video } from '../shared-main' import { VideoFilters, VideoFilterScope } from './video-filters.model' import { MiniatureDisplayOptions } from './video-miniature.component' const debugLogger = debug('peertube:videos:VideosListComponent') export type HeaderAction = { iconName: GlobalIconName label: string justIcon?: boolean routerLink?: string href?: string click?: (e: Event) => void } enum GroupDate { UNKNOWN = 0, TODAY = 1, YESTERDAY = 2, THIS_WEEK = 3, THIS_MONTH = 4, LAST_MONTH = 5, OLDER = 6 } @Component({ selector: 'my-videos-list', templateUrl: './videos-list.component.html', styleUrls: [ './videos-list.component.scss' ] }) export class VideosListComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy { @Input() getVideosObservableFunction: (pagination: ComponentPaginationLight, filters: VideoFilters) => Observable> @Input() getSyndicationItemsFunction: (filters: VideoFilters) => Promise | Syndication[] @Input() baseRouteBuilderFunction: (filters: VideoFilters) => string[] @Input() title: string @Input() titleTooltip: string @Input() displayTitle = true @Input() defaultSort: VideoSortField @Input() defaultScope: VideoFilterScope = 'federated' @Input() displayFilters = false @Input() displayModerationBlock = false @Input() loadUserVideoPreferences = false @Input() displayAsRow = false @Input() displayVideoActions = true @Input() groupByDate = false @Input() headerActions: HeaderAction[] = [] @Input() hideScopeFilter = false @Input() displayOptions: MiniatureDisplayOptions @Input() disabled = false @Output() filtersChanged = new EventEmitter() @Output() videosLoaded = new EventEmitter() videos: Video[] = [] filters: VideoFilters syndicationItems: Syndication[] onDataSubject = new Subject() hasDoneFirstQuery = false userMiniature: User private defaultDisplayOptions: MiniatureDisplayOptions = { date: true, views: true, by: true, avatar: false, privacyLabel: true, privacyText: false, state: false, blacklistInfo: false } private routeSub: Subscription private userSub: Subscription private resizeSub: Subscription private pagination: ComponentPaginationLight = { currentPage: 1, itemsPerPage: 25 } private groupedDateLabels: { [id in GroupDate]: string } private groupedDates: { [id: number]: GroupDate } = {} private lastQueryLength: number private videoRequests = new Subject<{ reset: boolean, obs: Observable> }>() constructor ( private notifier: Notifier, private authService: AuthService, private userService: UserService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private screenService: ScreenService, private peertubeRouter: PeerTubeRouterService, private serverService: ServerService ) { } ngOnInit () { this.subscribeToVideoRequests() const hiddenFilters = this.hideScopeFilter ? [ 'scope' ] : [] this.filters = new VideoFilters(this.defaultSort, this.defaultScope, hiddenFilters) this.filters.load({ ...this.route.snapshot.queryParams, scope: this.defaultScope }) this.groupedDateLabels = { [GroupDate.UNKNOWN]: null, [GroupDate.TODAY]: $localize`Today`, [GroupDate.YESTERDAY]: $localize`Yesterday`, [GroupDate.THIS_WEEK]: $localize`This week`, [GroupDate.THIS_MONTH]: $localize`This month`, [GroupDate.LAST_MONTH]: $localize`Last month`, [GroupDate.OLDER]: $localize`Older` } this.resizeSub = fromEvent(window, 'resize') .pipe(debounceTime(500)) .subscribe(() => this.calcPageSizes()) this.calcPageSizes() this.userService.getAnonymousOrLoggedUser() .subscribe(user => { this.userMiniature = user if (this.loadUserVideoPreferences) { this.loadUserSettings(user) } this.scheduleOnFiltersChanged(false) this.subscribeToAnonymousUpdate() this.subscribeToSearchChange() }) // Display avatar in mobile view if (this.screenService.isInMobileView()) { this.displayOptions.avatar = true } } ngOnDestroy () { if (this.resizeSub) this.resizeSub.unsubscribe() if (this.routeSub) this.routeSub.unsubscribe() if (this.userSub) this.userSub.unsubscribe() } ngOnChanges (changes: SimpleChanges) { if (changes['displayOptions'] || !this.displayOptions) { this.displayOptions = { ...this.defaultDisplayOptions, avatar: this.serverService.getHTMLConfig().client.videos.miniature.displayAuthorAvatar, ...changes['displayOptions'] } } if (!this.filters) return let updated = false if (changes['defaultScope']) { updated = true this.filters.setDefaultScope(this.defaultScope) } if (changes['defaultSort']) { updated = true this.filters.setDefaultSort(this.defaultSort) } if (!updated) return const customizedByUser = this.hasBeenCustomizedByUser() if (!customizedByUser) { if (this.loadUserVideoPreferences) { this.loadUserSettings(this.userMiniature) } this.filters.reset('scope') this.filters.reset('sort') } this.scheduleOnFiltersChanged(customizedByUser) } videoById (_index: number, video: Video) { return } onNearOfBottom () { if (this.disabled) return // No more results if (this.lastQueryLength !== undefined && this.lastQueryLength < this.pagination.itemsPerPage) return this.pagination.currentPage += 1 this.loadMoreVideos() } loadMoreVideos (reset = false) { if (reset) { this.hasDoneFirstQuery = false this.videos = [] }{ reset, obs: this.getVideosObservableFunction(this.pagination, this.filters) }) } reloadVideos () { this.pagination.currentPage = 1 this.loadMoreVideos(true) } removeVideoFromArray (video: Video) { this.videos = this.videos.filter(v => !== } buildGroupedDateLabels () { let currentGroupedDate: GroupDate = GroupDate.UNKNOWN const periods = [ { value: GroupDate.TODAY, validator: (d: Date) => isToday(d) }, { value: GroupDate.YESTERDAY, validator: (d: Date) => isYesterday(d) }, { value: GroupDate.THIS_WEEK, validator: (d: Date) => isLastWeek(d) }, { value: GroupDate.THIS_MONTH, validator: (d: Date) => isThisMonth(d) }, { value: GroupDate.LAST_MONTH, validator: (d: Date) => isLastMonth(d) }, { value: GroupDate.OLDER, validator: () => true } ] for (const video of this.videos) { const publishedDate = video.publishedAt for (let i = 0; i < periods.length; i++) { const period = periods[i] if (currentGroupedDate <= period.value && period.validator(publishedDate)) { if (currentGroupedDate !== period.value) { currentGroupedDate = period.value this.groupedDates[] = currentGroupedDate } break } } } } getCurrentGroupedDateLabel (video: Video) { if (this.groupByDate === false) return undefined return this.groupedDateLabels[this.groupedDates[]] } scheduleOnFiltersChanged (customizedByUser: boolean) { // We'll reload videos, but avoid weird UI effect this.videos = [] setTimeout(() => this.onFiltersChanged(customizedByUser)) } onFiltersChanged (customizedByUser: boolean) { debugLogger('Running on filters changed') this.updateUrl(customizedByUser) this.filters.triggerChange() this.reloadSyndicationItems() this.reloadVideos() } protected enableAllFilterIfPossible () { if (!this.authService.isLoggedIn()) return this.authService.userInformationLoaded .subscribe(() => { const user = this.authService.getUser() this.displayModerationBlock = user.hasRight(UserRight.SEE_ALL_VIDEOS) }) } private calcPageSizes () { if (this.screenService.isInMobileView()) { this.pagination.itemsPerPage = 5 } } private loadUserSettings (user: User) { this.filters.setNSFWPolicy(user.nsfwPolicy) // Don't reset language filter if we don't want to refresh the component if (!this.hasBeenCustomizedByUser()) { this.filters.load({ languageOneOf: user.videoLanguages }) } } private reloadSyndicationItems () { Promise.resolve(this.getSyndicationItemsFunction(this.filters)) .then(items => { if (!items || items.length === 0) this.syndicationItems = undefined else this.syndicationItems = items }) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot get syndication items.', err)) } private updateUrl (customizedByUser: boolean) { const baseQuery = this.filters.toUrlObject() // Set or reset customized by user query param const queryParams = customizedByUser || this.hasBeenCustomizedByUser() ? { ...baseQuery, c: customizedByUser } : baseQuery debugLogger('Will inject %O in URL query', queryParams) const baseRoute = this.baseRouteBuilderFunction ? this.baseRouteBuilderFunction(this.filters) : [] const pathname = window.location.pathname const baseRouteChanged = baseRoute.length !== 0 && pathname !== '/' && // Exclude special '/' case, we'll be redirected without component change baseRoute.length !== 0 && pathname !== baseRoute.join('/') if (baseRouteChanged || Object.keys(baseQuery).length !== 0 || customizedByUser) { this.peertubeRouter.silentNavigate(baseRoute, queryParams) } this.filtersChanged.emit(this.filters) } private hasBeenCustomizedByUser () { return this.route.snapshot.queryParams['c'] === 'true' } private subscribeToAnonymousUpdate () { this.userSub = this.userService.listenAnonymousUpdate() .pipe(switchMap(() => this.userService.getAnonymousOrLoggedUser())) .subscribe(user => { if (this.loadUserVideoPreferences) { this.loadUserSettings(user) } if (this.hasDoneFirstQuery) { this.reloadVideos() } }) } private subscribeToSearchChange () { this.routeSub = this.route.queryParams.subscribe(param => { if (!param['search']) return this.filters.load({ search: param['search'] }) this.onFiltersChanged(true) }) } private subscribeToVideoRequests () { this.videoRequests .pipe(concatMap(({ reset, obs }) => obs.pipe(map(({ data }) => ({ data, reset }))))) .subscribe({ next: ({ data, reset }) => { console.log(data[0].name) this.hasDoneFirstQuery = true this.lastQueryLength = data.length if (reset) this.videos = [] this.videos = this.videos.concat(data) if (this.groupByDate) this.buildGroupedDateLabels() this.videosLoaded.emit(this.videos) }, error: err => { const message = $localize`Cannot load more videos. Try again later.` logger.error(message, err) this.notifier.error(message) } }) } }