import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges, Output, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { AuthService, ConfirmService, Notifier, ScreenService, ServerService } from '@app/core' import { BlocklistService, VideoBlockComponent, VideoBlockService, VideoReportComponent } from '@app/shared/shared-moderation' import { NgbDropdown } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' import { VideoCaption } from '@shared/models' import { Actor, DropdownAction, DropdownButtonSize, DropdownDirection, RedundancyService, Video, VideoDetails, VideoService } from '../shared-main' import { LiveStreamInformationComponent } from '../shared-video-live' import { VideoAddToPlaylistComponent } from '../shared-video-playlist' import { VideoDownloadComponent } from './video-download.component' export type VideoActionsDisplayType = { playlist?: boolean download?: boolean update?: boolean blacklist?: boolean delete?: boolean report?: boolean duplicate?: boolean mute?: boolean liveInfo?: boolean removeFiles?: boolean transcoding?: boolean studio?: boolean stats?: boolean } @Component({ selector: 'my-video-actions-dropdown', templateUrl: './video-actions-dropdown.component.html', styleUrls: [ './video-actions-dropdown.component.scss' ] }) export class VideoActionsDropdownComponent implements OnChanges { @ViewChild('playlistDropdown') playlistDropdown: NgbDropdown @ViewChild('playlistAdd') playlistAdd: VideoAddToPlaylistComponent @ViewChild('videoDownloadModal') videoDownloadModal: VideoDownloadComponent @ViewChild('videoReportModal') videoReportModal: VideoReportComponent @ViewChild('videoBlockModal') videoBlockModal: VideoBlockComponent @ViewChild('liveStreamInformationModal') liveStreamInformationModal: LiveStreamInformationComponent @Input() video: Video | VideoDetails @Input() videoCaptions: VideoCaption[] = [] @Input() displayOptions: VideoActionsDisplayType = { playlist: false, download: true, update: true, blacklist: true, delete: true, report: true, duplicate: true, mute: true, liveInfo: false, removeFiles: false, transcoding: false, studio: true, stats: true } @Input() placement = 'left' @Input() moreActions: DropdownAction<{ video: Video }>[][] = [] @Input() label: string @Input() buttonStyled = false @Input() buttonSize: DropdownButtonSize = 'normal' @Input() buttonDirection: DropdownDirection = 'vertical' @Output() videoFilesRemoved = new EventEmitter() @Output() videoRemoved = new EventEmitter() @Output() videoUnblocked = new EventEmitter() @Output() videoBlocked = new EventEmitter() @Output() videoAccountMuted = new EventEmitter() @Output() transcodingCreated = new EventEmitter() @Output() modalOpened = new EventEmitter() videoActions: DropdownAction<{ video: Video }>[][] = [] private loaded = false constructor ( private authService: AuthService, private notifier: Notifier, private confirmService: ConfirmService, private blocklistService: BlocklistService, private videoBlocklistService: VideoBlockService, private screenService: ScreenService, private videoService: VideoService, private redundancyService: RedundancyService, private serverService: ServerService ) { } get user () { return this.authService.getUser() } ngOnChanges () { if (this.loaded) { this.loaded = false if (this.playlistAdd) this.playlistAdd.reload() } this.buildActions() } isUserLoggedIn () { return this.authService.isLoggedIn() } loadDropdownInformation () { if (!this.isUserLoggedIn() || this.loaded === true) return this.loaded = true if (this.displayOptions.playlist) this.playlistAdd.load() } /* Show modals */ showDownloadModal () { this.modalOpened.emit() as VideoDetails, this.videoCaptions) } showReportModal () { this.modalOpened.emit() } showBlockModal () { this.modalOpened.emit()[ ]) } showLiveInfoModal (video: Video) { this.modalOpened.emit() } /* Actions checker */ isVideoUpdatable () { return } isVideoEditable () { return, this.serverService.getHTMLConfig().videoStudio.enabled) } isVideoStatsAvailable () { return } isVideoRemovable () { return } isVideoBlockable () { return } isVideoUnblockable () { return } isVideoLiveInfoAvailable () { return } isVideoDownloadable () { return && !== true && instanceof VideoDetails && } canVideoBeDuplicated () { return ! && } isVideoAccountMutable () { return !== } canRemoveVideoFiles () { return } canRunTranscoding () { return } /* Action handlers */ async unblockVideo () { const confirmMessage = $localize`Do you really want to unblock ${}? It will be available again in the videos list.` const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(confirmMessage, $localize`Unblock ${}`) if (res === false) return this.videoBlocklistService.unblockVideo( .subscribe({ next: () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Video ${} unblocked.`) = false = null this.videoUnblocked.emit() }, error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message) }) } async removeVideo () { this.modalOpened.emit() let message = $localize`Do you really want to delete ${}?` if ( { message += ' ' + $localize`The live stream will be automatically terminated and replays won't be saved.` } const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(message, $localize`Delete ${}`) if (res === false) return this.videoService.removeVideo( .subscribe({ next: () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Video ${} deleted.`) this.videoRemoved.emit() }, error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message) }) } duplicateVideo () { this.redundancyService.addVideoRedundancy( .subscribe({ next: () => { const message = $localize`${} will be duplicated by your instance.` this.notifier.success(message) }, error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message) }) } muteVideoAccount () { const params = { nameWithHost: Actor.CREATE_BY_STRING(, } this.blocklistService.blockAccountByUser(params) .subscribe({ next: () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Account ${params.nameWithHost} muted.`) this.videoAccountMuted.emit() }, error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message) }) } async removeVideoFiles (video: Video, type: 'hls' | 'webtorrent') { const confirmMessage = $localize`Do you really want to remove "${}" files?` const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(confirmMessage, $localize`Remove "${}" files`) if (res === false) return this.videoService.removeVideoFiles([ ], type) .subscribe({ next: () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Removed files of ${}.`) this.videoFilesRemoved.emit() }, error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message) }) } runTranscoding (video: Video, type: 'hls' | 'webtorrent') { this.videoService.runTranscoding([ ], type) .subscribe({ next: () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Transcoding jobs created for ${}.`) this.transcodingCreated.emit() }, error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message) }) } onVideoBlocked () { this.videoBlocked.emit() } getPlaylistDropdownPlacement () { if (this.screenService.isInSmallView()) { return 'bottom-right' } return 'bottom-left bottom-right' } private buildActions () { this.videoActions = [ [ { label: $localize`Save to playlist`, handler: () => this.playlistDropdown.toggle(), isDisplayed: () => this.authService.isLoggedIn() && this.displayOptions.playlist, iconName: 'playlist-add' } ], [ // actions regarding the video { label: $localize`Download`, handler: () => this.showDownloadModal(), isDisplayed: () => && this.isVideoDownloadable(), iconName: 'download' }, { label: $localize`Display live information`, handler: ({ video }) => this.showLiveInfoModal(video), isDisplayed: () => this.displayOptions.liveInfo && this.isVideoLiveInfoAvailable(), iconName: 'live' }, { label: $localize`Update`, linkBuilder: ({ video }) => [ '/videos/update', video.uuid ], iconName: 'edit', isDisplayed: () => this.authService.isLoggedIn() && this.displayOptions.update && this.isVideoUpdatable() }, { label: $localize`Studio`, linkBuilder: ({ video }) => [ '/studio/edit', video.uuid ], iconName: 'film', isDisplayed: () => this.authService.isLoggedIn() && && this.isVideoEditable() }, { label: $localize`Stats`, linkBuilder: ({ video }) => [ '/stats/videos', video.uuid ], iconName: 'stats', isDisplayed: () => this.authService.isLoggedIn() && this.displayOptions.stats && this.isVideoStatsAvailable() }, { label: $localize`Block`, handler: () => this.showBlockModal(), iconName: 'no', isDisplayed: () => this.authService.isLoggedIn() && this.displayOptions.blacklist && this.isVideoBlockable() }, { label: $localize`Unblock`, handler: () => this.unblockVideo(), iconName: 'undo', isDisplayed: () => this.authService.isLoggedIn() && this.displayOptions.blacklist && this.isVideoUnblockable() }, { label: $localize`Mirror`, handler: () => this.duplicateVideo(), isDisplayed: () => this.authService.isLoggedIn() && this.displayOptions.duplicate && this.canVideoBeDuplicated(), iconName: 'cloud-download' }, { label: $localize`Delete`, handler: () => this.removeVideo(), isDisplayed: () => this.authService.isLoggedIn() && this.displayOptions.delete && this.isVideoRemovable(), iconName: 'delete' }, { label: $localize`Report`, handler: () => this.showReportModal(), isDisplayed: () => this.authService.isLoggedIn() &&, iconName: 'flag' } ], [ { label: $localize`Run HLS transcoding`, handler: ({ video }) => this.runTranscoding(video, 'hls'), isDisplayed: () => this.displayOptions.transcoding && this.canRunTranscoding(), iconName: 'cog' }, { label: $localize`Run WebTorrent transcoding`, handler: ({ video }) => this.runTranscoding(video, 'webtorrent'), isDisplayed: () => this.displayOptions.transcoding && this.canRunTranscoding(), iconName: 'cog' }, { label: $localize`Delete HLS files`, handler: ({ video }) => this.removeVideoFiles(video, 'hls'), isDisplayed: () => this.displayOptions.removeFiles && this.canRemoveVideoFiles(), iconName: 'delete' }, { label: $localize`Delete WebTorrent files`, handler: ({ video }) => this.removeVideoFiles(video, 'webtorrent'), isDisplayed: () => this.displayOptions.removeFiles && this.canRemoveVideoFiles(), iconName: 'delete' } ], [ // actions regarding the account/its server { label: $localize`Mute account`, handler: () => this.muteVideoAccount(), isDisplayed: () => this.authService.isLoggedIn() && this.displayOptions.mute && this.isVideoAccountMutable(), iconName: 'no' } ] ] this.videoActions = this.videoActions.concat(this.moreActions) } }