import { Observable } from 'rxjs' import { catchError, map } from 'rxjs/operators' import { HttpClient, HttpParams } from '@angular/common/http' import { Injectable } from '@angular/core' import { ComponentPaginationLight, RestExtractor, RestService } from '@app/core' import { objectLineFeedToHtml } from '@app/helpers' import { FeedFormat, ResultList, VideoComment as VideoCommentServerModel, VideoCommentCreate, VideoCommentThreadTree as VideoCommentThreadTreeServerModel } from '@shared/models' import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment' import { VideoCommentThreadTree } from './video-comment-thread-tree.model' import { VideoComment } from './video-comment.model' @Injectable() export class VideoCommentService { private static BASE_VIDEO_URL = environment.apiUrl + '/api/v1/videos/' private static BASE_FEEDS_URL = environment.apiUrl + '/feeds/video-comments.' constructor ( private authHttp: HttpClient, private restExtractor: RestExtractor, private restService: RestService ) {} addCommentThread (videoId: number | string, comment: VideoCommentCreate) { const url = VideoCommentService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + videoId + '/comment-threads' const normalizedComment = objectLineFeedToHtml(comment, 'text') return<{ comment: VideoCommentServerModel }>(url, normalizedComment) .pipe( map(data => this.extractVideoComment(data.comment)), catchError(err => this.restExtractor.handleError(err)) ) } addCommentReply (videoId: number | string, inReplyToCommentId: number, comment: VideoCommentCreate) { const url = VideoCommentService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + videoId + '/comments/' + inReplyToCommentId const normalizedComment = objectLineFeedToHtml(comment, 'text') return<{ comment: VideoCommentServerModel }>(url, normalizedComment) .pipe( map(data => this.extractVideoComment(data.comment)), catchError(err => this.restExtractor.handleError(err)) ) } getVideoCommentThreads (parameters: { videoId: number | string, componentPagination: ComponentPaginationLight, sort: string }): Observable> { const { videoId, componentPagination, sort } = parameters const pagination = this.restService.componentPaginationToRestPagination(componentPagination) let params = new HttpParams() params = this.restService.addRestGetParams(params, pagination, sort) const url = VideoCommentService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + videoId + '/comment-threads' return this.authHttp.get>(url, { params }) .pipe( map(result => this.extractVideoComments(result)), catchError(err => this.restExtractor.handleError(err)) ) } getVideoThreadComments (parameters: { videoId: number | string, threadId: number }): Observable { const { videoId, threadId } = parameters const url = `${VideoCommentService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + videoId}/comment-threads/${threadId}` return this.authHttp .get(url) .pipe( map(tree => this.extractVideoCommentTree(tree)), catchError(err => this.restExtractor.handleError(err)) ) } deleteVideoComment (videoId: number | string, commentId: number) { const url = `${VideoCommentService.BASE_VIDEO_URL + videoId}/comments/${commentId}` return this.authHttp .delete(url) .pipe( map(this.restExtractor.extractDataBool), catchError(err => this.restExtractor.handleError(err)) ) } getVideoCommentsFeeds (videoUUID?: string) { const feeds = [ { format: FeedFormat.RSS, label: 'rss 2.0', url: VideoCommentService.BASE_FEEDS_URL + FeedFormat.RSS.toLowerCase() }, { format: FeedFormat.ATOM, label: 'atom 1.0', url: VideoCommentService.BASE_FEEDS_URL + FeedFormat.ATOM.toLowerCase() }, { format: FeedFormat.JSON, label: 'json 1.0', url: VideoCommentService.BASE_FEEDS_URL + FeedFormat.JSON.toLowerCase() } ] if (videoUUID !== undefined) { for (const feed of feeds) { feed.url += '?videoId=' + videoUUID } } return feeds } private extractVideoComment (videoComment: VideoCommentServerModel) { return new VideoComment(videoComment) } private extractVideoComments (result: ResultList) { const videoCommentsJson = const totalComments = const comments: VideoComment[] = [] for (const videoCommentJson of videoCommentsJson) { comments.push(new VideoComment(videoCommentJson)) } return { data: comments, total: totalComments } } private extractVideoCommentTree (tree: VideoCommentThreadTreeServerModel) { if (!tree) return tree as VideoCommentThreadTree tree.comment = new VideoComment(tree.comment) tree.children.forEach(c => this.extractVideoCommentTree(c)) return tree as VideoCommentThreadTree } }