import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { AuthService, ConfirmService, Notifier, ServerService, UserService } from '@app/core' import { Account, DropdownAction } from '@app/shared/shared-main' import { BulkRemoveCommentsOfBody, ServerConfig, User, UserRight } from '@shared/models' import { BlocklistService } from './blocklist.service' import { BulkService } from './bulk.service' import { UserBanModalComponent } from './user-ban-modal.component' @Component({ selector: 'my-user-moderation-dropdown', templateUrl: './user-moderation-dropdown.component.html' }) export class UserModerationDropdownComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges { @ViewChild('userBanModal') userBanModal: UserBanModalComponent @Input() user: User @Input() account: Account @Input() prependActions: DropdownAction<{ user: User, account: Account }>[] @Input() buttonSize: 'normal' | 'small' = 'normal' @Input() placement = 'right-top right-bottom auto' @Input() label: string @Input() container: 'body' | undefined = undefined @Output() userChanged = new EventEmitter() @Output() userDeleted = new EventEmitter() userActions: DropdownAction<{ user: User, account: Account }>[][] = [] private serverConfig: ServerConfig constructor ( private authService: AuthService, private notifier: Notifier, private confirmService: ConfirmService, private serverService: ServerService, private userService: UserService, private blocklistService: BlocklistService, private bulkService: BulkService ) { } get requiresEmailVerification () { return this.serverConfig.signup.requiresEmailVerification } ngOnInit (): void { this.serverConfig = this.serverService.getTmpConfig() this.serverService.getConfig() .subscribe(config => this.serverConfig = config) } ngOnChanges () { this.buildActions() } openBanUserModal (user: User) { if (user.username === 'root') { this.notifier.error($localize`You cannot ban root.`) return } this.userBanModal.openModal(user) } onUserBanned () { this.userChanged.emit() } async unbanUser (user: User) { const res = await this.confirmService.confirm($localize`Do you really want to unban ${user.username}?`, $localize`Unban`) if (res === false) return this.userService.unbanUsers(user) .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`User ${user.username} unbanned.`) this.userChanged.emit() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } async removeUser (user: User) { if (user.username === 'root') { this.notifier.error($localize`You cannot delete root.`) return } const message = $localize`If you remove this user, you will not be able to create another with the same username!` const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(message, $localize`Delete`) if (res === false) return this.userService.removeUser(user).subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`User ${user.username} deleted.`) this.userDeleted.emit() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } setEmailAsVerified (user: User) { this.userService.updateUser(, { emailVerified: true }).subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`User ${user.username} email set as verified`) this.userChanged.emit() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } blockAccountByUser (account: Account) { this.blocklistService.blockAccountByUser(account) .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Account ${account.nameWithHost} muted.`) this.account.mutedByUser = true this.userChanged.emit() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } unblockAccountByUser (account: Account) { this.blocklistService.unblockAccountByUser(account) .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Account ${account.nameWithHost} unmuted.`) this.account.mutedByUser = false this.userChanged.emit() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } blockServerByUser (host: string) { this.blocklistService.blockServerByUser(host) .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Instance ${host} muted.`) this.account.mutedServerByUser = true this.userChanged.emit() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } unblockServerByUser (host: string) { this.blocklistService.unblockServerByUser(host) .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Instance ${host} unmuted.`) this.account.mutedServerByUser = false this.userChanged.emit() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } blockAccountByInstance (account: Account) { this.blocklistService.blockAccountByInstance(account) .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Account ${account.nameWithHost} muted by the instance.`) this.account.mutedByInstance = true this.userChanged.emit() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } unblockAccountByInstance (account: Account) { this.blocklistService.unblockAccountByInstance(account) .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Account ${account.nameWithHost} unmuted by the instance.`) this.account.mutedByInstance = false this.userChanged.emit() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } blockServerByInstance (host: string) { this.blocklistService.blockServerByInstance(host) .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Instance ${host} muted by the instance.`) this.account.mutedServerByInstance = true this.userChanged.emit() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } unblockServerByInstance (host: string) { this.blocklistService.unblockServerByInstance(host) .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Instance ${host} unmuted by the instance.`) this.account.mutedServerByInstance = false this.userChanged.emit() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } async bulkRemoveCommentsOf (body: BulkRemoveCommentsOfBody) { const message = $localize`Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account?` const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(message, $localize`Delete account comments`) if (res === false) return this.bulkService.removeCommentsOf(body) .subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Will remove comments of this account (may take several minutes).`) }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } getRouterUserEditLink (user: User) { return [ '/admin', 'users', 'update', ] } private buildActions () { this.userActions = [] if (this.prependActions) { this.userActions = [ this.prependActions ] } if (this.authService.isLoggedIn()) { const authUser = this.authService.getUser() if (this.user && === return if (this.user && authUser.hasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_USERS) && authUser.canManage(this.user)) { this.userActions.push([ { label: $localize`Edit user`, description: $localize`Change quota, role, and more.`, linkBuilder: ({ user }) => this.getRouterUserEditLink(user) }, { label: $localize`Delete user`, description: $localize`Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned.`, handler: ({ user }) => this.removeUser(user) }, { label: $localize`Ban`, description: $localize`User won't be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is.`, handler: ({ user }) => this.openBanUserModal(user), isDisplayed: ({ user }) => !user.blocked }, { label: $localize`Unban user`, description: $localize`Allow the user to login and create videos/comments again`, handler: ({ user }) => this.unbanUser(user), isDisplayed: ({ user }) => user.blocked }, { label: $localize`Set Email as Verified`, handler: ({ user }) => this.setEmailAsVerified(user), isDisplayed: ({ user }) => this.requiresEmailVerification && !user.blocked && user.emailVerified === false } ]) } // Actions on accounts/servers if (this.account) { // User actions this.userActions.push([ { label: $localize`Mute this account`, description: $localize`Hide any content from that user for you.`, isDisplayed: ({ account }) => account.mutedByUser === false, handler: ({ account }) => this.blockAccountByUser(account) }, { label: $localize`Unmute this account`, description: $localize`Show back content from that user for you.`, isDisplayed: ({ account }) => account.mutedByUser === true, handler: ({ account }) => this.unblockAccountByUser(account) }, { label: $localize`Mute the instance`, description: $localize`Hide any content from that instance for you.`, isDisplayed: ({ account }) => !account.userId && account.mutedServerByInstance === false, handler: ({ account }) => this.blockServerByUser( }, { label: $localize`Unmute the instance`, description: $localize`Show back content from that instance for you.`, isDisplayed: ({ account }) => !account.userId && account.mutedServerByInstance === true, handler: ({ account }) => this.unblockServerByUser( }, { label: $localize`Remove comments from your videos`, description: $localize`Remove comments of this account from your videos.`, handler: ({ account }) => this.bulkRemoveCommentsOf({ accountName: account.nameWithHost, scope: 'my-videos' }) } ]) let instanceActions: DropdownAction<{ user: User, account: Account }>[] = [] // Instance actions on account blocklists if (authUser.hasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS_BLOCKLIST)) { instanceActions = instanceActions.concat([ { label: $localize`Mute this account by your instance`, description: $localize`Hide any content from that user for you, your instance and its users.`, isDisplayed: ({ account }) => account.mutedByInstance === false, handler: ({ account }) => this.blockAccountByInstance(account) }, { label: $localize`Unmute this account by your instance`, description: $localize`Show back content from that user for you, your instance and its users.`, isDisplayed: ({ account }) => account.mutedByInstance === true, handler: ({ account }) => this.unblockAccountByInstance(account) } ]) } // Instance actions on server blocklists if (authUser.hasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_SERVERS_BLOCKLIST)) { instanceActions = instanceActions.concat([ { label: $localize`Mute the instance by your instance`, description: $localize`Hide any content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.`, isDisplayed: ({ account }) => !account.userId && account.mutedServerByInstance === false, handler: ({ account }) => this.blockServerByInstance( }, { label: $localize`Unmute the instance by your instance`, description: $localize`Show back content from that instance for you, your instance and its users.`, isDisplayed: ({ account }) => !account.userId && account.mutedServerByInstance === true, handler: ({ account }) => this.unblockServerByInstance( } ]) } if (authUser.hasRight(UserRight.REMOVE_ANY_VIDEO_COMMENT)) { instanceActions = instanceActions.concat([ { label: $localize`Remove comments from your instance`, description: $localize`Remove comments of this account from your instance.`, handler: ({ account }) => this.bulkRemoveCommentsOf({ accountName: account.nameWithHost, scope: 'instance' }) } ]) } if (instanceActions.length !== 0) { this.userActions.push(instanceActions) } } } } }