import { formatNumber } from '@angular/common' import { Inject, LOCALE_ID, Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core' // Thanks: @Pipe({ name: 'myNumberFormatter' }) export class NumberFormatterPipe implements PipeTransform { /** * @param x number * @param n number of decimals to get (defaults to 1, needs to be >= 1) */ static getDecimalForNumber (x: number, n = 1) { const v = x.toString().split('.') const f = v[1] || '' if (f.length > n) return +f.substr(0, n) return +f } private dictionary: Array<{max: number, type: string}> = [ { max: 1000, type: '' }, { max: 1000000, type: 'K' }, { max: 1000000000, type: 'M' } ] constructor (@Inject(LOCALE_ID) private localeId: string) {} transform (value: number) { const format = this.dictionary.find(d => value < d.max) || this.dictionary[this.dictionary.length - 1] const calc = value / (format.max / 1000) const integralPart = Math.floor(calc) const decimalPart = NumberFormatterPipe.getDecimalForNumber(calc) return integralPart < 10 && decimalPart > 0 ? formatNumber(parseFloat(`${integralPart}.${decimalPart}`), this.localeId) + format.type : `${integralPart}${format.type}` } }