import { fromEvent, Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs' import { distinctUntilChanged, filter, map, share, startWith, throttleTime } from 'rxjs/operators' import { AfterViewChecked, Directive, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core' import { PeerTubeRouterService, RouterSetting } from '@app/core' @Directive({ selector: '[myInfiniteScroller]' }) export class InfiniteScrollerDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewChecked { @Input() percentLimit = 70 @Input() onItself = false @Input() dataObservable: Observable // Add angular state in query params to reuse the routed component @Input() setAngularState: boolean @Input() parentDisabled = false @Output() nearOfBottom = new EventEmitter() private decimalLimit = 0 private lastCurrentBottom = -1 private scrollDownSub: Subscription private container: HTMLElement private checkScroll = false constructor ( private peertubeRouter: PeerTubeRouterService, private el: ElementRef ) { this.decimalLimit = this.percentLimit / 100 } ngAfterViewChecked () { if (this.checkScroll) { this.checkScroll = false // Wait HTML update setTimeout(() => { if (this.hasScroll() === false) this.nearOfBottom.emit() }) } } ngOnInit () { this.initialize() } ngOnDestroy () { if (this.scrollDownSub) this.scrollDownSub.unsubscribe() } initialize () { this.container = this.onItself ? this.el.nativeElement : document.documentElement // Emit the last value const throttleOptions = { leading: true, trailing: true } const scrollableElement = this.onItself ? this.container : window const scrollObservable = fromEvent(scrollableElement, 'scroll') .pipe( startWith(true), throttleTime(200, undefined, throttleOptions), map(() => this.getScrollInfo()), distinctUntilChanged((o1, o2) => o1.current === o2.current), share() ) // Scroll Down this.scrollDownSub = scrollObservable .pipe( filter(({ current }) => this.isScrollingDown(current)), filter(({ current, maximumScroll }) => (current / maximumScroll) > this.decimalLimit) ) .subscribe(() => { if (this.setAngularState && !this.parentDisabled) this.setScrollRouteParams() this.nearOfBottom.emit() }) if (this.dataObservable) { this.dataObservable .pipe(filter(d => d.length !== 0)) .subscribe(() => this.checkScroll = true) } } private getScrollInfo () { return { current: this.container.scrollTop, maximumScroll: this.getMaximumScroll() } } private getMaximumScroll () { const elementHeight = this.onItself ? this.container.clientHeight : window.innerHeight return this.container.scrollHeight - elementHeight } private hasScroll () { return this.getMaximumScroll() > 0 } private isScrollingDown (current: number) { const result = this.lastCurrentBottom < current this.lastCurrentBottom = current return result } private setScrollRouteParams () { this.peertubeRouter.addRouteSetting(RouterSetting.REUSE_COMPONENT) } }