Features found on this instance
PeerTube version {{ getServerVersionAndCommit() }}
Default NSFW/sensitive videos policy
can be redefined by the users
{{ buildNSFWLabel() }}
User registration allowed
Video uploads
Transcoding in multiple resolutions
Video uploads Requires manual validation by moderators Automatically published
Video quota {{ initialUserVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }} ({{ dailyUserVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }} per day)
Unlimited ({{ dailyUserVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }} per day)
Live streaming
Live streaming enabled
Transcode live video in multiple resolutions
Max parallel lives {{ maxUserLives }} per user / {{ maxInstanceLives }} per instance
HTTP import (YouTube, Vimeo, direct URL...)
Torrent import
Users can resolve distant content
Plugins & Themes
Available themes {{ theme.name }}
Plugins enabled {{ plugin.name }}