import truncate from 'lodash-es/truncate' import { Subject } from 'rxjs' import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged } from 'rxjs/operators' import { ViewportScroller } from '@angular/common' import { Component, ElementRef, forwardRef, Input, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from '@angular/forms' import { SafeHtml } from '@angular/platform-browser' import { MarkdownService, ScreenService } from '@app/core' import { Video } from '@shared/models' @Component({ selector: 'my-markdown-textarea', templateUrl: './markdown-textarea.component.html', styleUrls: [ './markdown-textarea.component.scss' ], providers: [ { provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, useExisting: forwardRef(() => MarkdownTextareaComponent), multi: true } ] }) export class MarkdownTextareaComponent implements ControlValueAccessor, OnInit { @Input() content = '' @Input() classes: string[] | { [klass: string]: any[] | any } = [] @Input() textareaMaxWidth = '100%' @Input() textareaHeight = '150px' @Input() truncate: number @Input() markdownType: 'text' | 'enhanced' = 'text' @Input() customMarkdownRenderer?: (text: string) => Promise @Input() markdownVideo: Video @Input() name = 'description' @ViewChild('textarea') textareaElement: ElementRef @ViewChild('previewElement') previewElement: ElementRef truncatedPreviewHTML: SafeHtml | string = '' previewHTML: SafeHtml | string = '' isMaximized = false disabled = false maximizeInText = $localize`Maximize editor` maximizeOutText = $localize`Exit maximized editor` private contentChanged = new Subject() private scrollPosition: [number, number] constructor ( private viewportScroller: ViewportScroller, private screenService: ScreenService, private markdownService: MarkdownService ) { } ngOnInit () { this.contentChanged .pipe( debounceTime(150), distinctUntilChanged() ) .subscribe(() => this.updatePreviews()) } propagateChange = (_: any) => { /* empty */ } writeValue (description: string) { this.content = description } registerOnChange (fn: (_: any) => void) { this.propagateChange = fn } registerOnTouched () { // Unused } onModelChange () { this.propagateChange(this.content) } onMaximizeClick () { this.isMaximized = !this.isMaximized // Make sure textarea have the focus // Except on touchscreens devices, the virtual keyboard may move up and hide the textarea in maximized mode if (!this.screenService.isInTouchScreen()) { this.textareaElement.nativeElement.focus() } // Make sure the window has no scrollbars if (!this.isMaximized) { this.unlockBodyScroll() } else { this.lockBodyScroll() } } setDisabledState (isDisabled: boolean) { this.disabled = isDisabled } private lockBodyScroll () { this.scrollPosition = this.viewportScroller.getScrollPosition() document.getElementById('content').classList.add('lock-scroll') } private unlockBodyScroll () { document.getElementById('content').classList.remove('lock-scroll') this.viewportScroller.scrollToPosition(this.scrollPosition) } private async updatePreviews () { if (this.content === null || this.content === undefined) return this.truncatedPreviewHTML = await this.markdownRender(truncate(this.content, { length: this.truncate })) this.previewHTML = await this.markdownRender(this.content) } private async markdownRender (text: string) { let html: string if (this.customMarkdownRenderer) { const result = await this.customMarkdownRenderer(text) if (result instanceof HTMLElement) { const wrapperElement = this.previewElement.nativeElement as HTMLElement wrapperElement.innerHTML = '' wrapperElement.appendChild(result) return } html = result } else if (this.markdownType === 'text') { html = await this.markdownService.textMarkdownToHTML(text) } else { html = await this.markdownService.enhancedMarkdownToHTML(text) } if (this.markdownVideo) { html = this.markdownService.processVideoTimestamps(this.markdownVideo.shortUUID, html) } return html } }