import { Injectable } from '@angular/core' import { MarkdownIt } from 'markdown-it' @Injectable() export class MarkdownService { static TEXT_RULES = [ 'linkify', 'autolink', 'emphasis', 'link', 'newline', 'list' ] static ENHANCED_RULES = MarkdownService.TEXT_RULES.concat([ 'image' ]) private textMarkdownIt: MarkdownIt private enhancedMarkdownIt: MarkdownIt async textMarkdownToHTML (markdown: string) { if (!markdown) return '' if (!this.textMarkdownIt) { this.textMarkdownIt = await this.createMarkdownIt(MarkdownService.TEXT_RULES) } const html = this.textMarkdownIt.render(markdown) return this.avoidTruncatedTags(html) } async enhancedMarkdownToHTML (markdown: string) { if (!markdown) return '' if (!this.enhancedMarkdownIt) { this.enhancedMarkdownIt = await this.createMarkdownIt(MarkdownService.ENHANCED_RULES) } const html = this.enhancedMarkdownIt.render(markdown) return this.avoidTruncatedTags(html) } private async createMarkdownIt (rules: string[]) { // FIXME: import('..') returns a struct module, containing a "default" field corresponding to our sanitizeHtml function const MarkdownItClass: typeof import ('markdown-it') = (await import('markdown-it') as any).default const markdownIt = new MarkdownItClass('zero', { linkify: true, breaks: true }) for (let rule of rules) { markdownIt.enable(rule) } this.setTargetToLinks(markdownIt) return markdownIt } private setTargetToLinks (markdownIt: MarkdownIt) { // Snippet from markdown-it documentation: const defaultRender = markdownIt.renderer.rules.link_open || function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options) } markdownIt.renderer.rules.link_open = function (tokens, index, options, env, self) { const token = tokens[index] const targetIndex = token.attrIndex('target') if (targetIndex < 0) token.attrPush([ 'target', '_blank' ]) else token.attrs[targetIndex][1] = '_blank' const relIndex = token.attrIndex('rel') if (relIndex < 0) token.attrPush([ 'rel', 'noopener noreferrer' ]) else token.attrs[relIndex][1] = 'noopener noreferrer' // pass token to default renderer. return defaultRender(tokens, index, options, env, self) } } private avoidTruncatedTags (html: string) { return html.replace(/\*\*?([^*]+)$/, '$1') .replace(/]+>([^<]+)<\/a>\s*...((<\/p>)|(<\/li>)|(<\/strong>))?$/mi, '$1...') .replace(/\[[^\]]+\]?\(?([^\)]+)$/, '$1') } }