import { AbstractControl, ValidationErrors, ValidatorFn, Validators, FormControl } from '@angular/forms' import { BuildFormValidator } from './form-validator.model' export const trimValidator: ValidatorFn = (control: FormControl) => { if (control.value.startsWith(' ') || control.value.endsWith(' ')) { return { spaces: true } } return null } export const VIDEO_NAME_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ Validators.required, Validators.minLength(3), Validators.maxLength(120) ], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Video name is required.`, 'minlength': $localize`Video name must be at least 3 characters long.`, 'maxlength': $localize`Video name cannot be more than 120 characters long.`, 'spaces': $localize`Video name has leading or trailing whitespace.` } } export const VIDEO_PRIVACY_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ Validators.required ], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Video privacy is required.` } } export const VIDEO_CATEGORY_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ ], MESSAGES: {} } export const VIDEO_LICENCE_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ ], MESSAGES: {} } export const VIDEO_LANGUAGE_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ ], MESSAGES: {} } export const VIDEO_IMAGE_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ ], MESSAGES: {} } export const VIDEO_CHANNEL_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ Validators.required ], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Video channel is required.` } } export const VIDEO_DESCRIPTION_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ Validators.minLength(3), Validators.maxLength(10000) ], MESSAGES: { 'minlength': $localize`Video description must be at least 3 characters long.`, 'maxlength': $localize`Video description cannot be more than 10000 characters long.` } } export const VIDEO_TAG_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ Validators.minLength(2), Validators.maxLength(30) ], MESSAGES: { 'minlength': $localize`A tag should be more than 2 characters long.`, 'maxlength': $localize`A tag should be less than 30 characters long.` } } export const VIDEO_TAGS_ARRAY_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ Validators.maxLength(5), arrayTagLengthValidator() ], MESSAGES: { 'maxlength': $localize`A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video.`, 'arrayTagLength': $localize`A tag should be more than 1 and less than 30 characters long.` } } export const VIDEO_SUPPORT_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ Validators.minLength(3), Validators.maxLength(1000) ], MESSAGES: { 'minlength': $localize`Video support must be at least 3 characters long.`, 'maxlength': $localize`Video support cannot be more than 1000 characters long.` } } export const VIDEO_SCHEDULE_PUBLICATION_AT_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ ], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`A date is required to schedule video update.` } } export const VIDEO_ORIGINALLY_PUBLISHED_AT_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [ ], MESSAGES: {} } function arrayTagLengthValidator (min = 2, max = 30): ValidatorFn { return (control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors => { const array = control.value as Array if (array.every(e => e.length >= min && e.length <= max)) { return null } return { 'arrayTagLength': true } } }