import { Validators } from '@angular/forms' import { BuildFormValidator } from './form-validator.model' export const INSTANCE_NAME_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.required], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Instance name is required.` } } export const INSTANCE_SHORT_DESCRIPTION_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.max(250)], MESSAGES: { 'max': $localize`Short description should not be longer than 250 characters.` } } export const SERVICES_TWITTER_USERNAME_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.required], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Twitter username is required.` } } export const CACHE_PREVIEWS_SIZE_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.required, Validators.min(1), Validators.pattern('[0-9]+')], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Previews cache size is required.`, 'min': $localize`Previews cache size must be greater than 1.`, 'pattern': $localize`Previews cache size must be a number.` } } export const CACHE_CAPTIONS_SIZE_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.required, Validators.min(1), Validators.pattern('[0-9]+')], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Captions cache size is required.`, 'min': $localize`Captions cache size must be greater than 1.`, 'pattern': $localize`Captions cache size must be a number.` } } export const SIGNUP_LIMIT_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.required, Validators.min(-1), Validators.pattern('-?[0-9]+')], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Signup limit is required.`, 'min': $localize`Signup limit must be greater than 1.`, 'pattern': $localize`Signup limit must be a number.` } } export const ADMIN_EMAIL_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.required,], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Admin email is required.`, 'email': $localize`Admin email must be valid.` } } export const TRANSCODING_THREADS_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.required, Validators.min(0)], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Transcoding threads is required.`, 'min': $localize`Transcoding threads must be greater or equal to 0.` } } export const MAX_LIVE_DURATION_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.required, Validators.min(-1)], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Max live duration is required.`, 'min': $localize`Max live duration should be greater or equal to -1.` } } export const MAX_INSTANCE_LIVES_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.required, Validators.min(-1)], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Max instance lives is required.`, 'min': $localize`Max instance lives should be greater or equal to -1.` } } export const MAX_USER_LIVES_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.required, Validators.min(-1)], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Max user lives is required.`, 'min': $localize`Max user lives should be greater or equal to -1.` } } export const CONCURRENCY_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.required, Validators.min(1)], MESSAGES: { 'required': $localize`Concurrency is required.`, 'min': $localize`Concurrency should be greater or equal to 1.` } } export const INDEX_URL_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.pattern(/^https:\/\//)], MESSAGES: { 'pattern': $localize`Index URL should be a URL` } } export const SEARCH_INDEX_URL_VALIDATOR: BuildFormValidator = { VALIDATORS: [Validators.pattern(/^https?:\/\//)], MESSAGES: { 'pattern': $localize`Search index URL should be a URL` } }