import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core' import { I18n } from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill' import { findIndex } from 'lodash-es' // Thanks: @Pipe({ name: 'myFromNow' }) export class FromNowPipe implements PipeTransform { constructor (private i18n: I18n) { } transform (arg: number | Date | string, short = true) { const argDate = new Date(arg) const seconds = Math.floor(( - argDate.getTime()) / 1000) let intervals = [ { unit: 31536000, // 1 year singular: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} year', { i }), plural: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} years', { i }) }, { unit: 2592000, // 1 month max: 11, singular: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} month', { i }), plural: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} months', { i }) }, { unit: 604800, // 1 week max: 3, singular: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} week', { i }), plural: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} weeks', { i }) }, { unit: 86400, // 1 day max: 6, singular: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} day', { i }), plural: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} days', { i }) }, { unit: 3600, // 1 hour max: 23, singular: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} hour', { i }), plural: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} hours', { i }) }, { unit: 60, // 1 min max: 59, singular: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} min', { i }), plural: (i: number) => this.i18n('{{i}} min', { i }) } ] // compute the number of units each unit of time has, store it in "interval" .map(i => ({ ...i, interval: Math.floor(seconds / i.unit) })) // compute the number of units each unit of time has, from the remainder of the previous bigger unit, store it in "interval" .map((i, index, array) => ({ ...i, interval: index === 0 ? i.interval : Math.floor((seconds - array[index - 1].interval * array[index - 1].unit) / i.unit) })) // compute the final string from the "interval", cap it to the max value for the time unit .map(i => ({ ...i, value: (i.interval > 1 ? i.plural : i.singular)(Math.min(i.max, i.interval)) })) // only keep the first two intervals with enough seconds to be considered const big_interval_index = findIndex(intervals, i => i.interval >= 1) intervals = intervals .slice(big_interval_index, big_interval_index + 2) .filter(i => i.interval >= 1) if (intervals.length === 0) { return this.i18n('just now') } return intervals.length === 1 || short ? this.i18n('{{interval}} ago', { interval: intervals[0].value }) : this.i18n('{{big_interval}} {{small_interval}} ago', { big_interval: intervals[0].value, small_interval: intervals[1].value }) } }