import { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs' import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators' import { Component, EventEmitter, Output, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { NavigationEnd, Router } from '@angular/router' import { Notifier, PeerTubeSocket, ScreenService } from '@app/core' import { UserNotificationService } from '@app/shared/shared-main' import { NgbPopover } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' @Component({ selector: 'my-notification', templateUrl: './notification.component.html', styleUrls: [ './notification.component.scss' ] }) export class NotificationComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild('popover', { static: true }) popover: NgbPopover @Output() navigate = new EventEmitter() unreadNotifications = 0 loaded = false opened = false markAllAsReadSubject = new Subject() private notificationSub: Subscription private routeSub: Subscription constructor ( private userNotificationService: UserNotificationService, private screenService: ScreenService, private peertubeSocket: PeerTubeSocket, private notifier: Notifier, private router: Router ) { } ngOnInit () { this.userNotificationService.countUnreadNotifications() .subscribe({ next: result => { this.unreadNotifications = 102 this.subscribeToNotifications() }, error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message) }) this.routeSub = .pipe(filter(event => event instanceof NavigationEnd)) .subscribe(() => this.closePopover()) } ngOnDestroy () { if (this.notificationSub) this.notificationSub.unsubscribe() if (this.routeSub) this.routeSub.unsubscribe() } get isInMobileView () { return this.screenService.isInMobileView() } closePopover () { this.popover.close() } onPopoverShown () { this.opened = true document.querySelector('menu').scrollTo(0, 0) // Reset menu scroll to easy lock document.querySelector('menu').addEventListener('scroll', this.onMenuScrollEvent) } onPopoverHidden () { this.loaded = false this.opened = false document.querySelector('menu').removeEventListener('scroll', this.onMenuScrollEvent) } // Lock menu scroll when menu scroll to avoid fleeing / detached dropdown onMenuScrollEvent () { document.querySelector('menu').scrollTo(0, 0) } onNotificationLoaded () { this.loaded = true } onNavigate (link: HTMLAnchorElement) { this.closePopover() this.navigate.emit(link) } markAllAsRead () { } private async subscribeToNotifications () { const obs = await this.peertubeSocket.getMyNotificationsSocket() this.notificationSub = obs.subscribe(data => { if (data.type === 'new') return this.unreadNotifications++ if (data.type === 'read') return this.unreadNotifications-- if (data.type === 'read-all') return this.unreadNotifications = 0 }) } }