import { HotkeysService } from 'angular2-hotkeys' import * as debug from 'debug' import { switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators' import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment' import { ViewportScroller } from '@angular/common' import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { Router } from '@angular/router' import { AuthService, AuthStatus, AuthUser, HooksService, MenuSection, MenuService, RedirectService, ScreenService, ServerService, UserService } from '@app/core' import { scrollToTop } from '@app/helpers' import { LanguageChooserComponent } from '@app/menu/language-chooser.component' import { QuickSettingsModalComponent } from '@app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component' import { PeertubeModalService } from '@app/shared/shared-main/peertube-modal/peertube-modal.service' import { NgbDropdown } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' import { PluginsManager } from '@root-helpers/plugins-manager' import { HTMLServerConfig, ServerConfig, UserRight, VideoConstant } from '@shared/models' const debugLogger = debug('peertube:menu:MenuComponent') @Component({ selector: 'my-menu', templateUrl: './menu.component.html', styleUrls: [ './menu.component.scss' ] }) export class MenuComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('languageChooserModal', { static: true }) languageChooserModal: LanguageChooserComponent @ViewChild('quickSettingsModal', { static: true }) quickSettingsModal: QuickSettingsModalComponent @ViewChild('dropdown') dropdown: NgbDropdown user: AuthUser isLoggedIn: boolean userHasAdminAccess = false helpVisible = false videoLanguages: string[] = [] nsfwPolicy: string currentInterfaceLanguage: string menuSections: MenuSection[] = [] private languages: VideoConstant[] = [] private htmlServerConfig: HTMLServerConfig private serverConfig: ServerConfig private routesPerRight: { [role in UserRight]?: string } = { [UserRight.MANAGE_USERS]: '/admin/users', [UserRight.MANAGE_SERVER_FOLLOW]: '/admin/friends', [UserRight.MANAGE_ABUSES]: '/admin/moderation/abuses', [UserRight.MANAGE_VIDEO_BLACKLIST]: '/admin/moderation/video-blocks', [UserRight.MANAGE_JOBS]: '/admin/jobs', [UserRight.MANAGE_CONFIGURATION]: '/admin/config' } constructor ( private viewportScroller: ViewportScroller, private authService: AuthService, private userService: UserService, private serverService: ServerService, private redirectService: RedirectService, private hotkeysService: HotkeysService, private screenService: ScreenService, private menuService: MenuService, private modalService: PeertubeModalService, private router: Router, private hooks: HooksService ) { } get isInMobileView () { return this.screenService.isInMobileView() } get dropdownContainer () { if (this.isInMobileView) return null return 'body' as 'body' } get language () { return this.languageChooserModal.getCurrentLanguage() } ngOnInit () { this.htmlServerConfig = this.serverService.getHTMLConfig() this.currentInterfaceLanguage = this.languageChooserModal.getCurrentLanguage() this.isLoggedIn = this.authService.isLoggedIn() this.updateUserState() this.buildMenuSections() this.authService.loginChangedSource.subscribe( status => { if (status === AuthStatus.LoggedIn) { this.isLoggedIn = true } else if (status === AuthStatus.LoggedOut) { this.isLoggedIn = false } this.updateUserState() this.buildMenuSections() } ) this.hotkeysService.cheatSheetToggle .subscribe(isOpen => this.helpVisible = isOpen) this.serverService.getVideoLanguages() .subscribe(languages => { this.languages = languages this.authService.userInformationLoaded .subscribe(() => this.buildUserLanguages()) }) this.serverService.getConfig() .subscribe(config => this.serverConfig = config) this.modalService.openQuickSettingsSubject .subscribe(() => this.openQuickSettings()) } getExternalLoginHref () { return PluginsManager.getDefaultLoginHref(environment.apiUrl, this.serverConfig) } isRegistrationAllowed () { if (!this.serverConfig) return false return this.serverConfig.signup.allowed && this.serverConfig.signup.allowedForCurrentIP } getFirstAdminRightAvailable () { const user = this.authService.getUser() if (!user) return undefined const adminRights = [ UserRight.MANAGE_USERS, UserRight.MANAGE_SERVER_FOLLOW, UserRight.MANAGE_ABUSES, UserRight.MANAGE_VIDEO_BLACKLIST, UserRight.MANAGE_JOBS, UserRight.MANAGE_CONFIGURATION ] for (const adminRight of adminRights) { if (user.hasRight(adminRight)) { return adminRight } } return undefined } getFirstAdminRouteAvailable () { const right = this.getFirstAdminRightAvailable() return this.routesPerRight[right] } logout (event: Event) { event.preventDefault() this.authService.logout() // Redirect to home page this.redirectService.redirectToHomepage() } openLanguageChooser () { } openHotkeysCheatSheet () {!this.helpVisible) } openQuickSettings () { } toggleUseP2P () { if (!this.user) return this.user.p2pEnabled = !this.user.p2pEnabled this.userService.updateMyProfile({ p2pEnabled: this.user.p2pEnabled }) .subscribe(() => this.authService.refreshUserInformation()) } langForLocale (localeId: string) { if (localeId === '_unknown') return $localize`Unknown` return this.languages.find(lang => === localeId).label } onActiveLinkScrollToAnchor (link: HTMLAnchorElement) { const linkURL = link.getAttribute('href') const linkHash = link.getAttribute('fragment') // On same url without fragment restore top scroll position if (!linkHash && this.router.url.includes(linkURL)) { scrollToTop('smooth') } // On same url with fragment restore anchor scroll position if (linkHash && this.router.url === linkURL) { this.viewportScroller.scrollToAnchor(linkHash) } if (this.screenService.isInSmallView()) { this.menuService.toggleMenu() } } // Lock menu scroll when menu scroll to avoid fleeing / detached dropdown onMenuScrollEvent () { document.querySelector('menu').scrollTo(0, 0) } onDropdownOpenChange (opened: boolean) { if (this.screenService.isInMobileView()) return // Close dropdown when window scroll to avoid dropdown quick jump for re-position const onWindowScroll = () => { this.dropdown?.close() window.removeEventListener('scroll', onWindowScroll) } if (opened) { window.addEventListener('scroll', onWindowScroll) document.querySelector('menu').scrollTo(0, 0) // Reset menu scroll to easy lock document.querySelector('menu').addEventListener('scroll', this.onMenuScrollEvent) } else { document.querySelector('menu').removeEventListener('scroll', this.onMenuScrollEvent) } } private async buildMenuSections () { const menuSections = [] if (this.isLoggedIn) { menuSections.push( this.menuService.buildLibraryLinks(this.user?.canSeeVideosLink) ) } menuSections.push( this.menuService.buildCommonLinks(this.htmlServerConfig) ) this.menuSections = await this.hooks.wrapObject(menuSections, 'common', 'filter:left-menu.links.create.result') } private buildUserLanguages () { if (!this.user) { this.videoLanguages = [] return } if (!this.user.videoLanguages) { this.videoLanguages = [ $localize`any language` ] return } this.videoLanguages = this.user.videoLanguages .map(locale => this.langForLocale(locale)) .map(value => value === undefined ? '?' : value) } private computeAdminAccess () { const right = this.getFirstAdminRightAvailable() this.userHasAdminAccess = right !== undefined } private computeVideosLink () { if (!this.isLoggedIn) return this.authService.userInformationLoaded .pipe( switchMap(() => this.user.computeCanSeeVideosLink(this.userService.getMyVideoQuotaUsed())) ).subscribe(res => { if (res === true) debugLogger('User can see videos link.') else debugLogger('User cannot see videos link.') }) } private computeNSFWPolicy () { if (!this.user) { this.nsfwPolicy = null return } switch (this.user.nsfwPolicy) { case 'do_not_list': this.nsfwPolicy = $localize`hide` break case 'blur': this.nsfwPolicy = $localize`blur` break case 'display': this.nsfwPolicy = $localize`display` break } } private updateUserState () { this.user = this.isLoggedIn ? this.authService.getUser() : undefined this.computeAdminAccess() this.computeNSFWPolicy() this.computeVideosLink() } }