import * as debug from 'debug' import { pairwise } from 'rxjs' import { ViewportScroller } from '@angular/common' import { Injectable } from '@angular/core' import { RouterSetting } from '../' import { PeerTubeRouterService } from './peertube-router.service' const logger = debug('peertube:main:ScrollService') @Injectable() export class ScrollService { private resetScroll = true constructor ( private viewportScroller: ViewportScroller, private peertubeRouter: PeerTubeRouterService ) { } enableScrollRestoration () { // We'll manage scroll restoration ourselves this.viewportScroller.setHistoryScrollRestoration('manual') this.consumeScroll() this.produceScroll() } private produceScroll () { // When we add the a-state parameter, we don't want to alter the scroll this.peertubeRouter.getNavigationEndEvents().pipe(pairwise()) .subscribe(([ e1, e2 ]) => { try { this.resetScroll = false const previousUrl = new URL(window.location.origin + e1.urlAfterRedirects) const nextUrl = new URL(window.location.origin + e2.urlAfterRedirects) if (previousUrl.pathname !== nextUrl.pathname) { this.resetScroll = true return } if (this.peertubeRouter.hasRouteSetting(RouterSetting.DISABLE_SCROLL_RESTORE)) { this.resetScroll = false return } // Remove route settings from the comparison const nextSearchParams = nextUrl.searchParams nextSearchParams.delete(PeerTubeRouterService.ROUTE_SETTING_NAME) const previousSearchParams = previousUrl.searchParams nextSearchParams.sort() previousSearchParams.sort() if (nextSearchParams.toString() !== previousSearchParams.toString()) { this.resetScroll = true } } catch (e) { console.error('Cannot parse URL to check next scroll.', e) this.resetScroll = true } }) } private consumeScroll () { // Handle anchors/restore position this.peertubeRouter.getScrollEvents().subscribe(e => { logger('Will schedule scroll after router event %o.', { e, resetScroll: this.resetScroll }) // scrollToAnchor first to preserve anchor position when using history navigation if (e.anchor) { setTimeout(() => this.viewportScroller.scrollToAnchor(e.anchor)) return } if (e.position) { setTimeout(() => this.viewportScroller.scrollToPosition(e.position)) return } if (this.resetScroll) { return this.viewportScroller.scrollToPosition([ 0, 0 ]) } }) } }