import { SortMeta } from 'primeng/api' import { HttpParams } from '@angular/common/http' import { Injectable } from '@angular/core' import { ComponentPaginationLight } from './component-pagination.model' import { RestPagination } from './rest-pagination' interface QueryStringFilterPrefixes { [key: string]: { prefix: string handler?: (v: string) => string | number multiple?: boolean isBoolean?: boolean } } type ParseQueryStringFilterResult = { [key: string]: string | number | boolean | (string | number | boolean)[] } @Injectable() export class RestService { addRestGetParams (params: HttpParams, pagination?: RestPagination, sort?: SortMeta | string) { let newParams = params if (pagination !== undefined) { newParams = newParams.set('start', pagination.start.toString()) .set('count', pagination.count.toString()) } if (sort !== undefined) { let sortString = '' if (typeof sort === 'string') { sortString = sort } else { const sortPrefix = sort.order === 1 ? '' : '-' sortString = sortPrefix + sort.field } newParams = newParams.set('sort', sortString) } return newParams } addObjectParams (params: HttpParams, object: { [ name: string ]: any }) { for (const name of Object.keys(object)) { const value = object[name] if (value === undefined || value === null) continue if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length !== 0) { for (const v of value) params = params.append(name, v) } else { params = params.append(name, value) } } return params } componentPaginationToRestPagination (componentPagination: ComponentPaginationLight): RestPagination { const start: number = (componentPagination.currentPage - 1) * componentPagination.itemsPerPage const count: number = componentPagination.itemsPerPage return { start, count } } parseQueryStringFilter (q: string, prefixes: QueryStringFilterPrefixes): ParseQueryStringFilterResult { if (!q) return {} // Tokenize the strings using spaces that are not in quotes const tokens = q.match(/(?:[^\s"]+|"[^"]*")+/g) .filter(token => !!token) // Build prefix array const prefixeStrings = Object.values(prefixes) .map(p => p.prefix) // Search is the querystring minus defined filters const searchTokens = tokens.filter(t => { return prefixeStrings.every(prefixString => t.startsWith(prefixString) === false) }) const additionalFilters: ParseQueryStringFilterResult = {} for (const prefixKey of Object.keys(prefixes)) { const prefixObj = prefixes[prefixKey] const prefix = prefixObj.prefix const matchedTokens = tokens.filter(t => t.startsWith(prefix)) .map(t => t.slice(prefix.length)) // Keep the value filter .map(t => t.replace(/^"|"$/g, '')) .map(t => { if (prefixObj.handler) return prefixObj.handler(t) return t }) .filter(t => !!t || t === 0) .map(t => prefixObj.isBoolean ? t === 'true' : t) if (matchedTokens.length === 0) continue additionalFilters[prefixKey] = prefixObj.multiple === true ? matchedTokens : matchedTokens[0] } return { search: searchTokens.join(' ') || undefined, ...additionalFilters } } }