import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs' import { catchError, map, shareReplay } from 'rxjs/operators' import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http' import { Inject, Injectable, LOCALE_ID, NgZone } from '@angular/core' import { VideoEditType } from '@app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.type' import { AuthService } from '@app/core/auth' import { Notifier } from '@app/core/notification' import { MarkdownService } from '@app/core/renderer' import { RestExtractor } from '@app/core/rest' import { ServerService } from '@app/core/server/server.service' import { getDevLocale, isOnDevLocale } from '@app/helpers' import { CustomModalComponent } from '@app/modal/custom-modal.component' import { PluginInfo, PluginsManager } from '@root-helpers/plugins-manager' import { getCompleteLocale, isDefaultLocale, peertubeTranslate } from '@shared/core-utils/i18n' import { ClientHook, ClientHookName, PluginClientScope, PluginTranslation, PluginType, PublicServerSetting, RegisterClientFormFieldOptions, RegisterClientSettingsScript, RegisterClientVideoFieldOptions, ServerConfigPlugin } from '@shared/models' import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment' import { RegisterClientHelpers } from '../../../types/register-client-option.model' type FormFields = { video: { commonOptions: RegisterClientFormFieldOptions videoFormOptions: RegisterClientVideoFieldOptions }[] } @Injectable() export class PluginService implements ClientHook { private static BASE_PLUGIN_API_URL = environment.apiUrl + '/api/v1/plugins' private static BASE_PLUGIN_URL = environment.apiUrl + '/plugins' translationsObservable: Observable customModal: CustomModalComponent private helpers: { [ npmName: string ]: RegisterClientHelpers } = {} private formFields: FormFields = { video: [] } private settingsScripts: { [ npmName: string ]: RegisterClientSettingsScript } = {} private pluginsManager: PluginsManager constructor ( private authService: AuthService, private notifier: Notifier, private markdownRenderer: MarkdownService, private server: ServerService, private zone: NgZone, private authHttp: HttpClient, private restExtractor: RestExtractor, @Inject(LOCALE_ID) private localeId: string ) { this.loadTranslations() this.pluginsManager = new PluginsManager({ peertubeHelpersFactory: this.buildPeerTubeHelpers.bind(this), onFormFields: this.onFormFields.bind(this), onSettingsScripts: this.onSettingsScripts.bind(this) }) } initializePlugins () { this.pluginsManager.loadPluginsList(this.server.getHTMLConfig()) this.pluginsManager.ensurePluginsAreLoaded('common') } initializeCustomModal (customModal: CustomModalComponent) { this.customModal = customModal } runHook (hookName: ClientHookName, result?: T, params?: any): Promise { return => { return this.pluginsManager.runHook(hookName, result, params) }) } ensurePluginsAreLoaded (scope: PluginClientScope) { return this.pluginsManager.ensurePluginsAreLoaded(scope) } reloadLoadedScopes () { return this.pluginsManager.reloadLoadedScopes() } getPluginsManager () { return this.pluginsManager } addPlugin (plugin: ServerConfigPlugin, isTheme = false) { return this.pluginsManager.addPlugin(plugin, isTheme) } removePlugin (plugin: ServerConfigPlugin) { return this.pluginsManager.removePlugin(plugin) } nameToNpmName (name: string, type: PluginType) { const prefix = type === PluginType.PLUGIN ? 'peertube-plugin-' : 'peertube-theme-' return prefix + name } getRegisteredVideoFormFields (type: VideoEditType) { return => f.videoFormOptions.type === type) } getRegisteredSettingsScript (npmName: string) { return this.settingsScripts[npmName] } translateBy (npmName: string, toTranslate: string) { const helpers = this.helpers[npmName] if (!helpers) { console.error('Unknown helpers to translate %s from %s.', toTranslate, npmName) return toTranslate } return helpers.translate(toTranslate) } private onFormFields (commonOptions: RegisterClientFormFieldOptions, videoFormOptions: RegisterClientVideoFieldOptions) {{ commonOptions, videoFormOptions }) } private onSettingsScripts (pluginInfo: PluginInfo, options: RegisterClientSettingsScript) { const npmName = this.nameToNpmName(, pluginInfo.pluginType) this.settingsScripts[npmName] = options } private buildPeerTubeHelpers (pluginInfo: PluginInfo): RegisterClientHelpers { const { plugin } = pluginInfo const npmName = this.nameToNpmName(, pluginInfo.pluginType) return { getBaseStaticRoute: () => { const pathPrefix = PluginsManager.getPluginPathPrefix(pluginInfo.isTheme) return environment.apiUrl + `${pathPrefix}/${}/${plugin.version}/static` }, getBaseRouterRoute: () => { const pathPrefix = PluginsManager.getPluginPathPrefix(pluginInfo.isTheme) return environment.apiUrl + `${pathPrefix}/${}/${plugin.version}/router` }, getSettings: () => { const path = PluginService.BASE_PLUGIN_API_URL + '/' + npmName + '/public-settings' return this.authHttp.get(path) .pipe( map(p => p.publicSettings), catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res)) ) .toPromise() }, getServerConfig: () => { return this.server.getConfig() .pipe(catchError(res => this.restExtractor.handleError(res))) .toPromise() }, isLoggedIn: () => { return this.authService.isLoggedIn() }, getAuthHeader: () => { if (!this.authService.isLoggedIn()) return undefined const value = this.authService.getRequestHeaderValue() return { 'Authorization': value } }, notifier: { info: (text: string, title?: string, timeout?: number) =>, title, timeout), error: (text: string, title?: string, timeout?: number) => this.notifier.error(text, title, timeout), success: (text: string, title?: string, timeout?: number) => this.notifier.success(text, title, timeout) }, showModal: (input: { title: string, content: string, close?: boolean, cancel?: { value: string, action?: () => void }, confirm?: { value: string, action?: () => void } }) => { }, markdownRenderer: { textMarkdownToHTML: (textMarkdown: string) => { return this.markdownRenderer.textMarkdownToHTML(textMarkdown) }, enhancedMarkdownToHTML: (enhancedMarkdown: string) => { return this.markdownRenderer.enhancedMarkdownToHTML(enhancedMarkdown) } }, translate: (value: string) => { return this.translationsObservable .pipe(map(allTranslations => allTranslations[npmName])) .pipe(map(translations => peertubeTranslate(value, translations))) .toPromise() } } } private loadTranslations () { const completeLocale = isOnDevLocale() ? getDevLocale() : getCompleteLocale(this.localeId) // Default locale, nothing to translate if (isDefaultLocale(completeLocale)) this.translationsObservable = of({}).pipe(shareReplay()) this.translationsObservable = this.authHttp .get(PluginService.BASE_PLUGIN_URL + '/translations/' + completeLocale + '.json') .pipe(shareReplay()) } }