import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormControl, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { validateHost } from '../../../shared'; import { FriendService } from '../shared'; @Component({ selector: 'my-friend-add', templateUrl: './friend-add.component.html', styleUrls: [ './friend-add.component.scss' ] }) export class FriendAddComponent implements OnInit { form: FormGroup; hosts = [ ]; error: string = null; constructor(private router: Router, private friendService: FriendService) {} ngOnInit() { this.form = new FormGroup({}); this.addField(); } addField() { this.form.addControl(`host-${this.hosts.length}`, new FormControl('', [ validateHost ])); this.hosts.push(''); } canMakeFriends() { return window.location.protocol === 'https://'; } customTrackBy(index: number, obj: any): any { return index; } displayAddField(index: number) { return index === (this.hosts.length - 1); } displayRemoveField(index: number) { return (index !== 0 || this.hosts.length > 1) && index !== (this.hosts.length - 1); } isFormValid() { // Do not check the last input for (let i = 0; i < this.hosts.length - 1; i++) { if (!this.form.controls[`host-${i}`].valid) return false; } const lastIndex = this.hosts.length - 1; // If the last input (which is not the first) is empty, it's ok if (this.hosts[lastIndex] === '' && lastIndex !== 0) { return true; } else { return this.form.controls[`host-${lastIndex}`].valid; } } removeField(index: number) { // Remove the last control this.form.removeControl(`host-${this.hosts.length - 1}`); this.hosts.splice(index, 1); } makeFriends() { this.error = ''; const notEmptyHosts = this.getNotEmptyHosts(); if (notEmptyHosts.length === 0) { this.error = 'You need to specify at least 1 host.'; return; } if (!this.isHostsUnique(notEmptyHosts)) { this.error = 'Hosts need to be unique.'; return; } const confirmMessage = 'Are you sure to make friends with:\n - ' + notEmptyHosts.join('\n - '); if (!confirm(confirmMessage)) return; this.friendService.makeFriends(notEmptyHosts).subscribe( status => { // TODO: extractdatastatus // if (status === 409) { // alert('Already made friends!'); // } else { alert('Make friends request sent!'); this.router.navigate([ '/admin/friends/list' ]); // } }, error => alert(error.text) ); } private getNotEmptyHosts() { const notEmptyHosts = []; Object.keys(this.form.value).forEach((hostKey) => { const host = this.form.value[hostKey]; if (host !== '') notEmptyHosts.push(host); }); return notEmptyHosts; } private isHostsUnique(hosts: string[]) { return hosts.every(host => hosts.indexOf(host) === hosts.lastIndexOf(host)); } }