import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core' import { ActivatedRoute, ActivatedRouteSnapshot } from '@angular/router' import { ComponentPaginationLight, DisableForReuseHook, MetaService, RedirectService, ServerService } from '@app/core' import { HooksService } from '@app/core/plugins/hooks.service' import { VideoService } from '@app/shared/shared-main' import { VideoFilters, VideoFilterScope } from '@app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model' import { ClientFilterHookName, VideoSortField } from '@shared/models' import { Subscription } from 'rxjs' export type VideosListCommonPageRouteData = { sort: VideoSortField scope: VideoFilterScope hookParams: ClientFilterHookName hookResult: ClientFilterHookName } @Component({ templateUrl: './videos-list-common-page.component.html' }) export class VideosListCommonPageComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, DisableForReuseHook { getVideosObservableFunction = this.getVideosObservable.bind(this) getSyndicationItemsFunction = this.getSyndicationItems.bind(this) baseRouteBuilderFunction = this.baseRouteBuilder.bind(this) title: string titleTooltip: string groupByDate: boolean defaultSort: VideoSortField defaultScope: VideoFilterScope hookParams: ClientFilterHookName hookResult: ClientFilterHookName loadUserVideoPreferences = true displayFilters = true disabled = false private trendingDays: number private routeSub: Subscription constructor ( private server: ServerService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private videoService: VideoService, private hooks: HooksService, private meta: MetaService, private redirectService: RedirectService ) { } ngOnInit () { this.trendingDays = this.server.getHTMLConfig().trending.videos.intervalDays this.routeSub = this.route.params.subscribe(params => { this.update(params['page']) }) } ngOnDestroy () { if (this.routeSub) this.routeSub.unsubscribe() } getVideosObservable (pagination: ComponentPaginationLight, filters: VideoFilters) { const params = { ...filters.toVideosAPIObject(), videoPagination: pagination, skipCount: true } return this.hooks.wrapObsFun( this.videoService.getVideos.bind(this.videoService), params, 'common', this.hookParams, this.hookResult ) } getSyndicationItems (filters: VideoFilters) { const result = filters.toVideosAPIObject() return this.videoService.getVideoFeedUrls(result.sort, result.filter) } onFiltersChanged (filters: VideoFilters) { this.buildTitle(filters.scope, filters.sort) this.updateGroupByDate(filters.sort) } baseRouteBuilder (filters: VideoFilters) { const sanitizedSort = this.getSanitizedSort(filters.sort) let suffix: string if (filters.scope === 'local') suffix = 'local' else if (sanitizedSort === 'publishedAt') suffix = 'recently-added' else suffix = 'trending' return [ '/videos', suffix ] } disableForReuse () { this.disabled = true } enabledForReuse () { this.disabled = false } update (page: string) { const data = this.getData(page) this.hookParams = data.hookParams this.hookResult = data.hookResult this.defaultSort = data.sort this.defaultScope = data.scope this.buildTitle() this.updateGroupByDate(this.defaultSort) this.meta.setTitle(this.title) } private getData (page: string) { if (page === 'trending') return this.generateTrendingData(this.route.snapshot) if (page === 'local') return this.generateLocalData() return this.generateRecentlyAddedData() } private generateRecentlyAddedData (): VideosListCommonPageRouteData { return { sort: '-publishedAt', scope: 'federated', hookParams: 'filter:api.recently-added-videos.videos.list.params', hookResult: 'filter:api.recently-added-videos.videos.list.result' } } private generateLocalData (): VideosListCommonPageRouteData { return { sort: '-publishedAt' as VideoSortField, scope: 'local', hookParams: 'filter:api.local-videos.videos.list.params', hookResult: 'filter:api.local-videos.videos.list.result' } } private generateTrendingData (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): VideosListCommonPageRouteData { const sort = route.queryParams['sort'] ?? this.parseTrendingAlgorithm(this.redirectService.getDefaultTrendingAlgorithm()) return { sort, scope: 'federated', hookParams: 'filter:api.trending-videos.videos.list.params', hookResult: 'filter:api.trending-videos.videos.list.result' } } private parseTrendingAlgorithm (algorithm: string): VideoSortField { switch (algorithm) { case 'most-viewed': return '-trending' case 'most-liked': return '-likes' default: return '-' + algorithm as VideoSortField } } private updateGroupByDate (sort: VideoSortField) { this.groupByDate = sort === '-publishedAt' || sort === 'publishedAt' } private buildTitle (scope: VideoFilterScope = this.defaultScope, sort: VideoSortField = this.defaultSort) { const sanitizedSort = this.getSanitizedSort(sort) if (scope === 'local') { this.title = $localize`Local videos` this.titleTooltip = $localize`Only videos uploaded on this instance are displayed` return } if (sanitizedSort === 'publishedAt') { this.title = $localize`Recently added` this.titleTooltip = undefined return } if ([ 'best', 'hot', 'trending', 'likes' ].includes(sanitizedSort)) { this.title = $localize`Trending` if (sanitizedSort === 'best') this.titleTooltip = $localize`Videos with the most interactions for recent videos, minus user history` if (sanitizedSort === 'hot') this.titleTooltip = $localize`Videos with the most interactions for recent videos` if (sanitizedSort === 'likes') this.titleTooltip = $localize`Videos that have the most likes` if (sanitizedSort === 'trending') { if (this.trendingDays === 1) this.titleTooltip = $localize`Videos with the most views during the last 24 hours` else this.titleTooltip = $localize`Videos with the most views during the last ${this.trendingDays} days` } return } } private getSanitizedSort (sort: VideoSortField) { return sort.replace(/^-/, '') as VideoSortField } }