import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output } from '@angular/core' import { Router } from '@angular/router' import { AuthService, ComponentPagination, HooksService, LocalStorageService, Notifier, SessionStorageService, UserService } from '@app/core' import { VideoPlaylist, VideoPlaylistElement, VideoPlaylistService } from '@app/shared/shared-video-playlist' import { peertubeLocalStorage, peertubeSessionStorage } from '@root-helpers/peertube-web-storage' import { VideoPlaylistPrivacy } from '@shared/models' @Component({ selector: 'my-video-watch-playlist', templateUrl: './video-watch-playlist.component.html', styleUrls: [ './video-watch-playlist.component.scss' ] }) export class VideoWatchPlaylistComponent { static LOCAL_STORAGE_AUTO_PLAY_NEXT_VIDEO_PLAYLIST = 'auto_play_video_playlist' static SESSION_STORAGE_AUTO_PLAY_NEXT_VIDEO_PLAYLIST = 'loop_playlist' @Input() playlist: VideoPlaylist @Output() videoFound = new EventEmitter() playlistElements: VideoPlaylistElement[] = [] playlistPagination: ComponentPagination = { currentPage: 1, itemsPerPage: 30, totalItems: null } autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist: boolean autoPlayNextVideoPlaylistSwitchText = '' loopPlaylist: boolean loopPlaylistSwitchText = '' noPlaylistVideos = false currentPlaylistPosition: number constructor ( private hooks: HooksService, private userService: UserService, private auth: AuthService, private notifier: Notifier, private videoPlaylist: VideoPlaylistService, private localStorageService: LocalStorageService, private sessionStorage: SessionStorageService, private router: Router ) { // defaults to true this.autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist = this.auth.isLoggedIn() ? this.auth.getUser().autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist : this.localStorageService.getItem(VideoWatchPlaylistComponent.LOCAL_STORAGE_AUTO_PLAY_NEXT_VIDEO_PLAYLIST) !== 'false' this.setAutoPlayNextVideoPlaylistSwitchText() // defaults to false this.loopPlaylist = this.sessionStorage.getItem(VideoWatchPlaylistComponent.SESSION_STORAGE_AUTO_PLAY_NEXT_VIDEO_PLAYLIST) === 'true' this.setLoopPlaylistSwitchText() } onPlaylistVideosNearOfBottom (position?: number) { // Last page if (this.playlistPagination.totalItems <= (this.playlistPagination.currentPage * this.playlistPagination.itemsPerPage)) return this.playlistPagination.currentPage += 1 this.loadPlaylistElements(this.playlist, false, position) } onElementRemoved (playlistElement: VideoPlaylistElement) { this.playlistElements = this.playlistElements.filter(e => !== this.playlistPagination.totalItems-- } isPlaylistOwned () { return this.playlist.isLocal === true && this.auth.isLoggedIn() && === this.auth.getUser().username } isUnlistedPlaylist () { return === VideoPlaylistPrivacy.UNLISTED } isPrivatePlaylist () { return === VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PRIVATE } isPublicPlaylist () { return === VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC } loadPlaylistElements (playlist: VideoPlaylist, redirectToFirst = false, position?: number) { const obs = this.hooks.wrapObsFun( this.videoPlaylist.getPlaylistVideos.bind(this.videoPlaylist), { videoPlaylistId: playlist.uuid, componentPagination: this.playlistPagination }, 'video-watch', '', '' ) obs.subscribe(({ total, data: playlistElements }) => { this.playlistElements = this.playlistElements.concat(playlistElements) this.playlistPagination.totalItems = total const firstAvailableVideo = this.playlistElements.find(e => !! if (!firstAvailableVideo) { this.noPlaylistVideos = true return } if (position) this.updatePlaylistIndex(position) if (redirectToFirst) { const extras = { queryParams: { start: firstAvailableVideo.startTimestamp, stop: firstAvailableVideo.stopTimestamp, playlistPosition: firstAvailableVideo.position }, replaceUrl: true } this.router.navigate([], extras) } }) } updatePlaylistIndex (position: number) { if (this.playlistElements.length === 0 || !position) return // Handle the reverse index if (position < 0) position = this.playlist.videosLength + position + 1 for (const playlistElement of this.playlistElements) { // >= if the previous videos were not valid if ( && playlistElement.position >= position) { this.currentPlaylistPosition = playlistElement.position this.videoFound.emit( setTimeout(() => { document.querySelector('.element-' + this.currentPlaylistPosition).scrollIntoView(false) }) return } } // Load more videos to find our video this.onPlaylistVideosNearOfBottom(position) } navigateToPreviousPlaylistVideo () { const previous = this.findPlaylistVideo(this.currentPlaylistPosition - 1, 'previous') if (!previous) return const start = previous.startTimestamp const stop = previous.stopTimestamp this.router.navigate([], { queryParams: { playlistPosition: previous.position, start, stop } }) } findPlaylistVideo (position: number, type: 'previous' | 'next'): VideoPlaylistElement { if ( (type === 'next' && position > this.playlistPagination.totalItems) || (type === 'previous' && position < 1) ) { // End of the playlist: end the recursion if we're not in the loop mode if (!this.loopPlaylist) return // Loop mode position = type === 'previous' ? this.playlistPagination.totalItems : 1 } const found = this.playlistElements.find(e => e.position === position) if (found?.video) return found const newPosition = type === 'previous' ? position - 1 : position + 1 return this.findPlaylistVideo(newPosition, type) } navigateToNextPlaylistVideo () { const next = this.findPlaylistVideo(this.currentPlaylistPosition + 1, 'next') if (!next) return const start = next.startTimestamp const stop = next.stopTimestamp this.router.navigate([], { queryParams: { playlistPosition: next.position, start, stop } }) } switchAutoPlayNextVideoPlaylist () { this.autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist = !this.autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist this.setAutoPlayNextVideoPlaylistSwitchText() peertubeLocalStorage.setItem( VideoWatchPlaylistComponent.LOCAL_STORAGE_AUTO_PLAY_NEXT_VIDEO_PLAYLIST, this.autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist.toString() ) if (this.auth.isLoggedIn()) { const details = { autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist: this.autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist } this.userService.updateMyProfile(details) .subscribe({ next: () => { this.auth.refreshUserInformation() }, error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message) }) } } switchLoopPlaylist () { this.loopPlaylist = !this.loopPlaylist this.setLoopPlaylistSwitchText() peertubeSessionStorage.setItem( VideoWatchPlaylistComponent.SESSION_STORAGE_AUTO_PLAY_NEXT_VIDEO_PLAYLIST, this.loopPlaylist.toString() ) } private setAutoPlayNextVideoPlaylistSwitchText () { this.autoPlayNextVideoPlaylistSwitchText = this.autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist ? $localize`Stop autoplaying next video` : $localize`Autoplay next video` } private setLoopPlaylistSwitchText () { this.loopPlaylistSwitchText = this.loopPlaylist ? $localize`Stop looping playlist videos` : $localize`Loop playlist videos` } }