import { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs' import { Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router' import { AuthService, ComponentPagination, ConfirmService, hasMoreItems, Notifier, User } from '@app/core' import { HooksService } from '@app/core/plugins/hooks.service' import { Syndication, VideoDetails } from '@app/shared/shared-main' import { VideoComment, VideoCommentService, VideoCommentThreadTree } from '@app/shared/shared-video-comment' @Component({ selector: 'my-video-comments', templateUrl: './video-comments.component.html', styleUrls: ['./video-comments.component.scss'] }) export class VideoCommentsComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy { @ViewChild('commentHighlightBlock') commentHighlightBlock: ElementRef @Input() video: VideoDetails @Input() user: User @Output() timestampClicked = new EventEmitter() comments: VideoComment[] = [] highlightedThread: VideoComment sort = '-createdAt' componentPagination: ComponentPagination = { currentPage: 1, itemsPerPage: 10, totalItems: null } inReplyToCommentId: number commentReplyRedraftValue: string commentThreadRedraftValue: string threadComments: { [ id: number ]: VideoCommentThreadTree } = {} threadLoading: { [ id: number ]: boolean } = {} syndicationItems: Syndication[] = [] onDataSubject = new Subject() private sub: Subscription constructor ( private authService: AuthService, private notifier: Notifier, private confirmService: ConfirmService, private videoCommentService: VideoCommentService, private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, private hooks: HooksService ) {} ngOnInit () { // Find highlighted comment in params this.sub = this.activatedRoute.params.subscribe( params => { if (params['threadId']) { const highlightedThreadId = +params['threadId'] this.processHighlightedThread(highlightedThreadId) } } ) } ngOnChanges (changes: SimpleChanges) { if (changes['video']) { this.resetVideo() } } ngOnDestroy () { if (this.sub) this.sub.unsubscribe() } viewReplies (commentId: number, highlightThread = false) { this.threadLoading[commentId] = true const params = { videoId:, threadId: commentId } const obs = this.hooks.wrapObsFun( this.videoCommentService.getVideoThreadComments.bind(this.videoCommentService), params, 'video-watch', '', '' ) obs.subscribe( res => { this.threadComments[commentId] = res this.threadLoading[commentId] = false this.hooks.runAction('', 'video-watch', { data: res }) if (highlightThread) { this.highlightedThread = new VideoComment(res.comment) // Scroll to the highlighted thread setTimeout(() => this.commentHighlightBlock.nativeElement.scrollIntoView(), 0) } }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } loadMoreThreads () { const params = { videoId:, componentPagination: this.componentPagination, sort: this.sort } const obs = this.hooks.wrapObsFun( this.videoCommentService.getVideoCommentThreads.bind(this.videoCommentService), params, 'video-watch', '', '' ) obs.subscribe( res => { this.comments = this.comments.concat( this.componentPagination.totalItems = this.hooks.runAction('', 'video-watch', { data: this.componentPagination }) }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } onCommentThreadCreated (comment: VideoComment) { this.comments.unshift(comment) delete this.commentThreadRedraftValue } onWantedToReply (comment: VideoComment) { this.inReplyToCommentId = } onResetReply () { this.inReplyToCommentId = undefined delete this.commentReplyRedraftValue } onThreadCreated (commentTree: VideoCommentThreadTree) { this.viewReplies( } handleSortChange (sort: string) { if (this.sort === sort) return this.sort = sort this.resetVideo() } handleTimestampClicked (timestamp: number) { this.timestampClicked.emit(timestamp) } async onWantedToDelete (commentToDelete: VideoComment, message = 'Do you really want to delete this comment?'): Promise { if (commentToDelete.isLocal || { message += $localize` The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change.` } else { message += $localize` It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance.` } const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(message, $localize`Delete`) if (res === false) return this.videoCommentService.deleteVideoComment(commentToDelete.videoId, .subscribe( () => { if (this.highlightedThread?.id === { commentToDelete = this.comments.find(c => === this.highlightedThread = undefined } // Mark the comment as deleted this.softDeleteComment(commentToDelete) }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) return true } async onWantedToRedraft(commentToRedraft: VideoComment) { const confirm = await this.onWantedToDelete(commentToRedraft, 'Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment?') if (confirm) { this.inReplyToCommentId = commentToRedraft.inReplyToCommentId if (commentToRedraft.threadId === { this.commentThreadRedraftValue = commentToRedraft.text } else { this.commentReplyRedraftValue = commentToRedraft.text } } } isUserLoggedIn () { return this.authService.isLoggedIn() } onNearOfBottom () { if (hasMoreItems(this.componentPagination)) { this.componentPagination.currentPage++ this.loadMoreThreads() } } private softDeleteComment (comment: VideoComment) { comment.isDeleted = true comment.deletedAt = new Date() comment.text = '' comment.account = null } private resetVideo () { if ( === true) { // Reset all our fields this.highlightedThread = null this.comments = [] this.threadComments = {} this.threadLoading = {} this.inReplyToCommentId = undefined this.componentPagination.currentPage = 1 this.componentPagination.totalItems = null this.syndicationItems = this.videoCommentService.getVideoCommentsFeeds( this.loadMoreThreads() } } private processHighlightedThread (highlightedThreadId: number) { this.highlightedThread = this.comments.find(c => === highlightedThreadId) const highlightThread = true this.viewReplies(highlightedThreadId, highlightThread) } }