import { Subscription } from 'rxjs' import { HttpEventType, HttpResponse } from '@angular/common/http' import { Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { Router } from '@angular/router' import { AuthService, CanComponentDeactivate, Notifier, ServerService, UserService } from '@app/core' import { scrollToTop } from '@app/helpers' import { FormValidatorService } from '@app/shared/shared-forms' import { BytesPipe, VideoCaptionService, VideoEdit, VideoService } from '@app/shared/shared-main' import { LoadingBarService } from '@ngx-loading-bar/core' import { VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' import { VideoSend } from './video-send' @Component({ selector: 'my-video-upload', templateUrl: './video-upload.component.html', styleUrls: [ '../shared/video-edit.component.scss', './video-upload.component.scss', './video-send.scss' ] }) export class VideoUploadComponent extends VideoSend implements OnInit, OnDestroy, CanComponentDeactivate { @Output() firstStepDone = new EventEmitter() @Output() firstStepError = new EventEmitter() @ViewChild('videofileInput') videofileInput: ElementRef // So that it can be accessed in the template readonly SPECIAL_SCHEDULED_PRIVACY = VideoEdit.SPECIAL_SCHEDULED_PRIVACY userVideoQuotaUsed = 0 userVideoQuotaUsedDaily = 0 isUploadingAudioFile = false isUploadingVideo = false isUpdatingVideo = false videoUploaded = false videoUploadObservable: Subscription = null videoUploadPercents = 0 videoUploadedIds = { id: 0, uuid: '' } waitTranscodingEnabled = true previewfileUpload: File error: string protected readonly DEFAULT_VIDEO_PRIVACY = VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC constructor ( protected formValidatorService: FormValidatorService, protected loadingBar: LoadingBarService, protected notifier: Notifier, protected authService: AuthService, protected serverService: ServerService, protected videoService: VideoService, protected videoCaptionService: VideoCaptionService, private userService: UserService, private router: Router ) { super() } get videoExtensions () { return', ') } ngOnInit () { super.ngOnInit() this.userService.getMyVideoQuotaUsed() .subscribe(data => { this.userVideoQuotaUsed = data.videoQuotaUsed this.userVideoQuotaUsedDaily = data.videoQuotaUsedDaily }) } ngOnDestroy () { if (this.videoUploadObservable) this.videoUploadObservable.unsubscribe() } canDeactivate () { let text = '' if (this.videoUploaded === true) { // FIXME: cannot concatenate strings inside i18n service :/ text = $localize`Your video was uploaded to your account and is private.` + ' ' + $localize`But associated data (tags, description...) will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?` } else { text = $localize`Your video is not uploaded yet, are you sure you want to leave this page?` } return { canDeactivate: !this.isUploadingVideo, text } } getVideoFile () { return this.videofileInput.nativeElement.files[0] } setVideoFile (files: FileList) { this.videofileInput.nativeElement.files = files this.fileChange() } getAudioUploadLabel () { const videofile = this.getVideoFile() if (!videofile) return $localize`Upload` return $localize`Upload ${}` } fileChange () { this.uploadFirstStep() } cancelUpload () { if (this.videoUploadObservable !== null) { this.videoUploadObservable.unsubscribe() this.isUploadingVideo = false this.videoUploadPercents = 0 this.videoUploadObservable = null this.firstStepError.emit()$localize`Upload cancelled`) } } uploadFirstStep (clickedOnButton = false) { const videofile = this.getVideoFile() if (!videofile) return if (!this.checkGlobalUserQuota(videofile)) return if (!this.checkDailyUserQuota(videofile)) return if (clickedOnButton === false && this.isAudioFile( { this.isUploadingAudioFile = true return } // Build name field const nameWithoutExtension =\.[^/.]+$/, '') let name: string // If the name of the file is very small, keep the extension if (nameWithoutExtension.length < 3) name = else name = nameWithoutExtension // Force user to wait transcoding for unsupported video types in web browsers if (!'.mp4') && !'.webm') && !'.ogv')) { this.waitTranscodingEnabled = false } const privacy = this.firstStepPrivacyId.toString() const nsfw = this.serverConfig.instance.isNSFW const waitTranscoding = true const commentsEnabled = true const downloadEnabled = true const channelId = this.firstStepChannelId.toString() const formData = new FormData() formData.append('name', name) // Put the video "private" -> we are waiting the user validation of the second step formData.append('privacy', VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE.toString()) formData.append('nsfw', '' + nsfw) formData.append('commentsEnabled', '' + commentsEnabled) formData.append('downloadEnabled', '' + downloadEnabled) formData.append('waitTranscoding', '' + waitTranscoding) formData.append('channelId', '' + channelId) formData.append('videofile', videofile) if (this.previewfileUpload) { formData.append('previewfile', this.previewfileUpload) formData.append('thumbnailfile', this.previewfileUpload) } this.isUploadingVideo = true this.firstStepDone.emit(name) this.form.patchValue({ name, privacy, nsfw, channelId, previewfile: this.previewfileUpload }) this.videoUploadObservable = this.videoService.uploadVideo(formData).subscribe( event => { if (event.type === HttpEventType.UploadProgress) { this.videoUploadPercents = Math.round(100 * event.loaded / } else if (event instanceof HttpResponse) { this.videoUploaded = true this.videoUploadedIds = this.videoUploadObservable = null } }, err => { // Reset progress this.isUploadingVideo = false this.videoUploadPercents = 0 this.videoUploadObservable = null this.firstStepError.emit() this.notifier.error(err.message) } ) } isPublishingButtonDisabled () { return !this.form.valid || this.isUpdatingVideo === true || this.videoUploaded !== true || ! } updateSecondStep () { if (this.isPublishingButtonDisabled() || !this.checkForm()) { return } const video = new VideoEdit() video.patch(this.form.value) = video.uuid = this.videoUploadedIds.uuid this.isUpdatingVideo = true this.updateVideoAndCaptions(video) .subscribe( () => { this.isUpdatingVideo = false this.isUploadingVideo = false this.notifier.success($localize`Video published.`) this.router.navigate([ '/videos/watch', video.uuid ]) }, err => { this.error = err.message scrollToTop() console.error(err) } ) } private checkGlobalUserQuota (videofile: File) { const bytePipes = new BytesPipe() // Check global user quota const videoQuota = this.authService.getUser().videoQuota if (videoQuota !== -1 && (this.userVideoQuotaUsed + videofile.size) > videoQuota) { const videoSizeBytes = bytePipes.transform(videofile.size, 0) const videoQuotaUsedBytes = bytePipes.transform(this.userVideoQuotaUsed, 0) const videoQuotaBytes = bytePipes.transform(videoQuota, 0) const msg = $localize`Your video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: ${videoSizeBytes}, used: ${videoQuotaUsedBytes}, quota: ${videoQuotaBytes})` this.notifier.error(msg) return false } return true } private checkDailyUserQuota (videofile: File) { const bytePipes = new BytesPipe() // Check daily user quota const videoQuotaDaily = this.authService.getUser().videoQuotaDaily if (videoQuotaDaily !== -1 && (this.userVideoQuotaUsedDaily + videofile.size) > videoQuotaDaily) { const videoSizeBytes = bytePipes.transform(videofile.size, 0) const quotaUsedDailyBytes = bytePipes.transform(this.userVideoQuotaUsedDaily, 0) const quotaDailyBytes = bytePipes.transform(videoQuotaDaily, 0) const msg = $localize`Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video ( video size: ${videoSizeBytes}, used: ${quotaUsedDailyBytes}, quota: ${quotaDailyBytes})` this.notifier.error(msg) return false } return true } private isAudioFile (filename: string) { const extensions = [ '.mp3', '.flac', '.ogg', '.wma', '.wav' ] return extensions.some(e => filename.endsWith(e)) } }