import { forkJoin } from 'rxjs' import { map } from 'rxjs/operators' import { SelectChannelItem, SelectOptionsItem } from 'src/types/select-options-item.model' import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, EventEmitter, Input, NgZone, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { AbstractControl, FormArray, FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms' import { HooksService, PluginService, ServerService } from '@app/core' import { removeElementFromArray } from '@app/helpers' import { BuildFormValidator } from '@app/shared/form-validators' import { VIDEO_CATEGORY_VALIDATOR, VIDEO_CHANNEL_VALIDATOR, VIDEO_DESCRIPTION_VALIDATOR, VIDEO_LANGUAGE_VALIDATOR, VIDEO_LICENCE_VALIDATOR, VIDEO_NAME_VALIDATOR, VIDEO_ORIGINALLY_PUBLISHED_AT_VALIDATOR, VIDEO_PRIVACY_VALIDATOR, VIDEO_SCHEDULE_PUBLICATION_AT_VALIDATOR, VIDEO_SUPPORT_VALIDATOR, VIDEO_TAGS_ARRAY_VALIDATOR } from '@app/shared/form-validators/video-validators' import { FormReactiveValidationMessages, FormValidatorService } from '@app/shared/shared-forms' import { InstanceService } from '@app/shared/shared-instance' import { VideoCaptionEdit, VideoCaptionWithPathEdit, VideoEdit, VideoService } from '@app/shared/shared-main' import { PluginInfo } from '@root-helpers/plugins-manager' import { HTMLServerConfig, LiveVideo, LiveVideoLatencyMode, RegisterClientFormFieldOptions, RegisterClientVideoFieldOptions, VideoConstant, VideoDetails, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' import { I18nPrimengCalendarService } from './i18n-primeng-calendar.service' import { VideoCaptionAddModalComponent } from './video-caption-add-modal.component' import { VideoCaptionEditModalComponent } from './video-caption-edit-modal/video-caption-edit-modal.component' import { VideoEditType } from './video-edit.type' import { VideoSource } from '@shared/models/videos/video-source' type VideoLanguages = VideoConstant & { group?: string } type PluginField = { pluginInfo: PluginInfo commonOptions: RegisterClientFormFieldOptions videoFormOptions: RegisterClientVideoFieldOptions } @Component({ selector: 'my-video-edit', styleUrls: [ './video-edit.component.scss' ], templateUrl: './video-edit.component.html' }) export class VideoEditComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @Input() form: FormGroup @Input() formErrors: { [ id: string ]: string } = {} @Input() validationMessages: FormReactiveValidationMessages = {} @Input() videoToUpdate: VideoDetails @Input() userVideoChannels: SelectChannelItem[] = [] @Input() forbidScheduledPublication = true @Input() videoCaptions: VideoCaptionWithPathEdit[] = [] @Input() videoSource: VideoSource @Input() waitTranscodingEnabled = true @Input() type: VideoEditType @Input() liveVideo: LiveVideo @ViewChild('videoCaptionAddModal', { static: true }) videoCaptionAddModal: VideoCaptionAddModalComponent @ViewChild('videoCaptionEditModal', { static: true }) editCaptionModal: VideoCaptionEditModalComponent @Output() formBuilt = new EventEmitter() @Output() pluginFieldsAdded = new EventEmitter() // So that it can be accessed in the template readonly SPECIAL_SCHEDULED_PRIVACY = VideoEdit.SPECIAL_SCHEDULED_PRIVACY videoPrivacies: VideoConstant[] = [] videoCategories: VideoConstant[] = [] videoLicences: VideoConstant[] = [] videoLanguages: VideoLanguages[] = [] latencyModes: SelectOptionsItem[] = [ { id: LiveVideoLatencyMode.SMALL_LATENCY, label: $localize`Small latency`, description: $localize`Reduce latency to ~15s disabling P2P` }, { id: LiveVideoLatencyMode.DEFAULT, label: $localize`Default`, description: $localize`Average latency of 30s` }, { id: LiveVideoLatencyMode.HIGH_LATENCY, label: $localize`High latency`, description: $localize`Average latency of 60s increasing P2P ratio` } ] pluginDataFormGroup: FormGroup schedulePublicationEnabled = false calendarLocale: any = {} minScheduledDate = new Date() myYearRange = '1880:' + (new Date()).getFullYear() calendarTimezone: string calendarDateFormat: string serverConfig: HTMLServerConfig pluginFields: PluginField[] = [] private schedulerInterval: any private firstPatchDone = false private initialVideoCaptions: string[] = [] constructor ( private formValidatorService: FormValidatorService, private videoService: VideoService, private serverService: ServerService, private pluginService: PluginService, private instanceService: InstanceService, private i18nPrimengCalendarService: I18nPrimengCalendarService, private ngZone: NgZone, private hooks: HooksService, private cd: ChangeDetectorRef ) { this.calendarTimezone = this.i18nPrimengCalendarService.getTimezone() this.calendarDateFormat = this.i18nPrimengCalendarService.getDateFormat() } updateForm () { const defaultValues: any = { nsfw: 'false', commentsEnabled: this.serverConfig.defaults.publish.commentsEnabled, downloadEnabled: this.serverConfig.defaults.publish.downloadEnabled, waitTranscoding: 'true', licence: this.serverConfig.defaults.publish.licence, tags: [] } const obj: { [ id: string ]: BuildFormValidator } = { name: VIDEO_NAME_VALIDATOR, privacy: VIDEO_PRIVACY_VALIDATOR, channelId: VIDEO_CHANNEL_VALIDATOR, nsfw: null, commentsEnabled: null, downloadEnabled: null, waitTranscoding: null, category: VIDEO_CATEGORY_VALIDATOR, licence: VIDEO_LICENCE_VALIDATOR, language: VIDEO_LANGUAGE_VALIDATOR, description: VIDEO_DESCRIPTION_VALIDATOR, tags: VIDEO_TAGS_ARRAY_VALIDATOR, previewfile: null, support: VIDEO_SUPPORT_VALIDATOR, schedulePublicationAt: VIDEO_SCHEDULE_PUBLICATION_AT_VALIDATOR, originallyPublishedAt: VIDEO_ORIGINALLY_PUBLISHED_AT_VALIDATOR, liveStreamKey: null, permanentLive: null, latencyMode: null, saveReplay: null } this.formValidatorService.updateFormGroup( this.form, this.formErrors, this.validationMessages, obj, defaultValues ) this.form.addControl('captions', new FormArray([ new FormGroup({ language: new FormControl(), captionfile: new FormControl() }) ])) this.trackChannelChange() this.trackPrivacyChange() this.formBuilt.emit() } ngOnInit () { this.serverConfig = this.serverService.getHTMLConfig() this.updateForm() this.pluginService.ensurePluginsAreLoaded('video-edit') .then(() => this.updatePluginFields()) this.serverService.getVideoCategories() .subscribe(res => this.videoCategories = res) this.serverService.getVideoLicences() .subscribe(res => this.videoLicences = res) forkJoin([ this.instanceService.getAbout(), this.serverService.getVideoLanguages() ]).pipe(map(([ about, languages ]) => ({ about, languages }))) .subscribe(res => { this.videoLanguages = res.languages .map(l => { if ( === 'zxx') return { ...l, group: $localize`Other`, groupOrder: 1 } return res.about.instance.languages.includes( ? { ...l, group: $localize`Instance languages`, groupOrder: 0 } : { ...l, group: $localize`All languages`, groupOrder: 2 } }) .sort((a, b) => a.groupOrder - b.groupOrder) }) this.serverService.getVideoPrivacies() .subscribe(privacies => { this.videoPrivacies = this.videoService.explainedPrivacyLabels(privacies).videoPrivacies // Can't schedule publication if private privacy is not available (could be deleted by a plugin) const hasPrivatePrivacy = this.videoPrivacies.some(p => === VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE) if (this.forbidScheduledPublication || !hasPrivatePrivacy) return this.videoPrivacies.push({ id: this.SPECIAL_SCHEDULED_PRIVACY, label: $localize`Scheduled`, description: $localize`Hide the video until a specific date` }) }) this.initialVideoCaptions = => this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => { this.schedulerInterval = setInterval(() => this.minScheduledDate = new Date(), 1000 * 60) // Update every minute }) this.hooks.runAction('action:video-edit.init', 'video-edit', { type: this.type }) } ngOnDestroy () { if (this.schedulerInterval) clearInterval(this.schedulerInterval) } getExistingCaptions () { return this.videoCaptions .filter(c => c.action !== 'REMOVE') .map(c => } onCaptionEdited (caption: VideoCaptionEdit) { const existingCaption = this.videoCaptions.find(c => === // Replace existing caption? if (existingCaption) { Object.assign(existingCaption, caption) } else { this.videoCaptions.push( Object.assign(caption, { action: 'CREATE' as 'CREATE' }) ) } this.sortVideoCaptions() } deleteCaption (caption: VideoCaptionEdit) { // Caption recovers his former state if (caption.action && this.initialVideoCaptions.includes( { caption.action = undefined return } // This caption is not on the server, just remove it from our array if (caption.action === 'CREATE' || caption.action === 'UPDATE') { removeElementFromArray(this.videoCaptions, caption) return } caption.action = 'REMOVE' as 'REMOVE' } openAddCaptionModal () { } isSaveReplayEnabled () { return } isPermanentLiveEnabled () { return this.form.value['permanentLive'] === true } isLatencyModeEnabled () { return } isPluginFieldHidden (pluginField: PluginField) { if (typeof pluginField.commonOptions.hidden !== 'function') return false return pluginField.commonOptions.hidden({ formValues: this.form.value, videoToUpdate: this.videoToUpdate, liveVideo: this.liveVideo }) } getPluginsFields (tab: 'main' | 'plugin-settings') { return this.pluginFields.filter(p => { const wanted = ?? 'plugin-settings' return wanted === tab }) } private sortVideoCaptions () { this.videoCaptions.sort((v1, v2) => { if (v1.language.label < v2.language.label) return -1 if (v1.language.label === v2.language.label) return 0 return 1 }) } private async updatePluginFields () { this.pluginFields = this.pluginService.getRegisteredVideoFormFields(this.type) if (this.pluginFields.length === 0) return const pluginObj: { [ id: string ]: BuildFormValidator } = {} const pluginValidationMessages: FormReactiveValidationMessages = {} const pluginFormErrors: any = {} const pluginDefaults: any = {} for (const setting of this.pluginFields) { await this.pluginService.translateSetting(setting.pluginInfo.plugin.npmName, setting.commonOptions) const validator = async (control: AbstractControl) => { if (!setting.commonOptions.error) return null const error = await setting.commonOptions.error({ formValues: this.form.value, value: control.value }) return error?.error ? { []: error.text } : null } const name = pluginObj[name] = { ASYNC_VALIDATORS: [ validator ], VALIDATORS: [], MESSAGES: {} } pluginDefaults[name] = setting.commonOptions.default } this.pluginDataFormGroup = new FormGroup({}) this.formValidatorService.updateFormGroup( this.pluginDataFormGroup, pluginFormErrors, pluginValidationMessages, pluginObj, pluginDefaults ) this.form.addControl('pluginData', this.pluginDataFormGroup) this.formErrors['pluginData'] = pluginFormErrors this.validationMessages['pluginData'] = pluginValidationMessages this.pluginFieldsAdded.emit() // Plugins may need other control values to calculate potential errors this.form.valueChanges.subscribe(() => this.formValidatorService.updateTreeValidity(this.pluginDataFormGroup)) } private trackPrivacyChange () { // We will update the schedule input and the wait transcoding checkbox validators this.form.controls['privacy'] .valueChanges .pipe(map(res => parseInt(res.toString(), 10))) .subscribe( newPrivacyId => { this.schedulePublicationEnabled = newPrivacyId === this.SPECIAL_SCHEDULED_PRIVACY // Value changed const scheduleControl = this.form.get('schedulePublicationAt') const waitTranscodingControl = this.form.get('waitTranscoding') if (this.schedulePublicationEnabled) { scheduleControl.setValidators([ Validators.required ]) waitTranscodingControl.disable() waitTranscodingControl.setValue(false) } else { scheduleControl.clearValidators() waitTranscodingControl.enable() // Do not update the control value on first patch (values come from the server) if (this.firstPatchDone === true) { waitTranscodingControl.setValue(true) } } scheduleControl.updateValueAndValidity() waitTranscodingControl.updateValueAndValidity() this.firstPatchDone = true } ) } private trackChannelChange () { // We will update the "support" field depending on the channel this.form.controls['channelId'] .valueChanges .pipe(map(res => parseInt(res.toString(), 10))) .subscribe( newChannelId => { const oldChannelId = parseInt(this.form.value['channelId'], 10) // Not initialized yet if (isNaN(newChannelId)) return const newChannel = this.userVideoChannels.find(c => === newChannelId) if (!newChannel) return // Wait support field update setTimeout(() => { const currentSupport = this.form.value['support'] // First time we set the channel? if (isNaN(oldChannelId)) { // Fill support if it's empty if (!currentSupport) this.updateSupportField( return } const oldChannel = this.userVideoChannels.find(c => === oldChannelId) if (!newChannel || !oldChannel) { console.error('Cannot find new or old channel.') return } // If the current support text is not the same than the old channel, the user updated it. // We don't want the user to lose his text, so stop here if (currentSupport && currentSupport !== return // Update the support text with our new channel this.updateSupportField( }) } ) } private updateSupportField (support: string) { return this.form.patchValue({ support: support || '' }) } }