import { CdkStep } from '@angular/cdk/stepper' import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { FormGroup } from '@angular/forms' import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router' import { AuthService } from '@app/core' import { HooksService } from '@app/core/plugins/hooks.service' import { InstanceAboutAccordionComponent } from '@app/shared/shared-instance' import { UserSignupService } from '@app/shared/shared-users' import { NgbAccordion } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' import { UserRegister } from '@shared/models' import { ServerConfig } from '@shared/models/server' @Component({ selector: 'my-register', templateUrl: './register.component.html', styleUrls: [ './register.component.scss' ] }) export class RegisterComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('lastStep') lastStep: CdkStep accordion: NgbAccordion signupError: string signupSuccess = false videoUploadDisabled: boolean videoQuota: number formStepTerms: FormGroup formStepUser: FormGroup formStepChannel: FormGroup aboutHtml = { codeOfConduct: '' } instanceInformationPanels = { codeOfConduct: true, terms: true, administrators: false, features: false, moderation: false } defaultPreviousStepButtonLabel = $localize`:Button on the registration form to go to the previous step:Go to the previous step` defaultNextStepButtonLabel = $localize`:Button on the registration form to go to the previous step:Go to the next step` stepUserButtonLabel = this.defaultNextStepButtonLabel signupDisabled = false private serverConfig: ServerConfig constructor ( private route: ActivatedRoute, private authService: AuthService, private userSignupService: UserSignupService, private hooks: HooksService ) { } get requiresEmailVerification () { return this.serverConfig.signup.requiresEmailVerification } get minimumAge () { return this.serverConfig.signup.minimumAge } get instanceName () { return } ngOnInit () { this.serverConfig = if (this.serverConfig.signup.allowed === false || this.serverConfig.signup.allowedForCurrentIP === false) { this.signupDisabled = true return } this.videoQuota = this.serverConfig.user.videoQuota this.videoUploadDisabled = this.videoQuota === 0 this.stepUserButtonLabel = this.videoUploadDisabled ? $localize`:Button on the registration form to finalize the account and channel creation:Signup` : this.defaultNextStepButtonLabel this.hooks.runAction('action:signup.register.init', 'signup') } hasSameChannelAndAccountNames () { return this.getUsername() === this.getChannelName() } getUsername () { if (!this.formStepUser) return undefined return this.formStepUser.value['username'] } getChannelName () { if (!this.formStepChannel) return undefined return this.formStepChannel.value['name'] } onTermsFormBuilt (form: FormGroup) { this.formStepTerms = form } onUserFormBuilt (form: FormGroup) { this.formStepUser = form } onChannelFormBuilt (form: FormGroup) { this.formStepChannel = form } onTermsClick () { if (this.accordion) this.accordion.toggle('terms') } onCodeOfConductClick () { if (this.accordion) this.accordion.toggle('code-of-conduct') } onInstanceAboutAccordionInit (instanceAboutAccordion: InstanceAboutAccordionComponent) { this.accordion = instanceAboutAccordion.accordion this.aboutHtml = instanceAboutAccordion.aboutHtml } skipChannelCreation () { this.formStepChannel.reset() this.signup() } async signup () { this.signupError = undefined const body: UserRegister = await this.hooks.wrapObject( { ...this.formStepUser.value, channel: this.formStepChannel?.value?.name ? this.formStepChannel.value : undefined }, 'signup', 'filter:api.signup.registration.create.params' ) this.userSignupService.signup(body).subscribe({ next: () => { if (this.requiresEmailVerification) { this.signupSuccess = true return } // Auto login this.authService.login(body.username, body.password) .subscribe({ next: () => { this.signupSuccess = true }, error: err => { this.signupError = err.message } }) }, error: err => { this.signupError = err.message } }) } }