import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core' import { NotificationsService } from 'angular2-notifications' import { AuthService } from '../../core/auth' import { ConfirmService } from '../../core/confirm' import { VideoChannel } from '@app/shared/video-channel/video-channel.model' import { VideoChannelService } from '@app/shared/video-channel/video-channel.service' import { User } from '@app/shared' import { flatMap } from 'rxjs/operators' import { I18n } from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill' @Component({ selector: 'my-account-video-channels', templateUrl: './my-account-video-channels.component.html', styleUrls: [ './my-account-video-channels.component.scss' ] }) export class MyAccountVideoChannelsComponent implements OnInit { videoChannels: VideoChannel[] = [] private user: User constructor ( private authService: AuthService, private notificationsService: NotificationsService, private confirmService: ConfirmService, private videoChannelService: VideoChannelService, private i18n: I18n ) {} ngOnInit () { this.user = this.authService.getUser() this.loadVideoChannels() } async deleteVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannel) { const res = await this.confirmService.confirmWithInput( this.i18n( 'Do you really want to delete {{videoChannelName}}? It will delete all videos uploaded in this channel too.', { videoChannelName: videoChannel.displayName } ), this.i18n('Please type the name of the video channel to confirm'), videoChannel.displayName, this.i18n('Delete') ) if (res === false) return this.videoChannelService.removeVideoChannel(videoChannel) .subscribe( status => { this.loadVideoChannels() this.notificationsService.success( this.i18n('Success'), this.i18n('Video channel {{videoChannelName}} deleted.', { videoChannelName: videoChannel.displayName }) ) }, error => this.notificationsService.error(this.i18n('Error'), error.message) ) } private loadVideoChannels () { this.authService.userInformationLoaded .pipe(flatMap(() => this.videoChannelService.listAccountVideoChannels(this.user.account))) .subscribe(res => this.videoChannels = } }