import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment' import { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router' import { AuthService, Notifier, RedirectService, SessionStorageService, UserService } from '@app/core' import { HooksService } from '@app/core/plugins/hooks.service' import { LOGIN_PASSWORD_VALIDATOR, LOGIN_USERNAME_VALIDATOR } from '@app/shared/form-validators/login-validators' import { USER_OTP_TOKEN_VALIDATOR } from '@app/shared/form-validators/user-validators' import { FormReactive, FormReactiveService, InputTextComponent } from '@app/shared/shared-forms' import { InstanceAboutAccordionComponent } from '@app/shared/shared-instance' import { NgbAccordionDirective, NgbModal, NgbModalRef } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' import { getExternalAuthHref } from '@shared/core-utils' import { RegisteredExternalAuthConfig, ServerConfig, ServerErrorCode } from '@shared/models' @Component({ selector: 'my-login', templateUrl: './login.component.html', styleUrls: [ './login.component.scss' ] }) export class LoginComponent extends FormReactive implements OnInit, AfterViewInit { private static SESSION_STORAGE_REDIRECT_URL_KEY = 'login-previous-url' @ViewChild('forgotPasswordModal', { static: true }) forgotPasswordModal: ElementRef @ViewChild('otpTokenInput') otpTokenInput: InputTextComponent accordion: NgbAccordionDirective error: string = null forgotPasswordEmail = '' isAuthenticatedWithExternalAuth = false externalAuthError = false externalLogins: string[] = [] instanceInformationPanels = { terms: true, administrators: false, features: false, moderation: false, codeOfConduct: false } otpStep = false private openedForgotPasswordModal: NgbModalRef private serverConfig: ServerConfig constructor ( protected formReactiveService: FormReactiveService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private modalService: NgbModal, private authService: AuthService, private userService: UserService, private redirectService: RedirectService, private notifier: Notifier, private hooks: HooksService, private storage: SessionStorageService, private router: Router ) { super() } get signupAllowed () { return this.serverConfig.signup.allowed === true } get instanceName () { return } onTermsClick (event: Event, instanceInformation: HTMLElement) { event.preventDefault() if (this.accordion) { this.accordion.expand('terms') instanceInformation.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }) } } isEmailDisabled () { return === false } ngOnInit () { const snapshot = this.route.snapshot // Avoid undefined errors when accessing form error properties this.buildForm({ 'username': LOGIN_USERNAME_VALIDATOR, 'password': LOGIN_PASSWORD_VALIDATOR, 'otp-token': { VALIDATORS: [], // Will be set dynamically MESSAGES: USER_OTP_TOKEN_VALIDATOR.MESSAGES } }) this.serverConfig = if (snapshot.queryParams.externalAuthToken) { this.loadExternalAuthToken(snapshot.queryParams.username, snapshot.queryParams.externalAuthToken) return } if (snapshot.queryParams.externalAuthError) { this.externalAuthError = true return } const previousUrl = this.redirectService.getPreviousUrl() if (previousUrl && previousUrl !== '/') {, previousUrl) } } ngAfterViewInit () { this.hooks.runAction('action:login.init', 'login') } getExternalLogins () { return this.serverConfig.plugin.registeredExternalAuths } getAuthHref (auth: RegisteredExternalAuthConfig) { return getExternalAuthHref(environment.apiUrl, auth) } login () { this.error = null const options = { username: this.form.value['username'], password: this.form.value['password'], otpToken: this.form.value['otp-token'] } this.authService.login(options) .pipe() .subscribe({ next: () => this.redirectService.redirectToPreviousRoute(), error: err => { this.handleError(err) } }) } askResetPassword () { this.userService.askResetPassword(this.forgotPasswordEmail) .subscribe({ next: () => { const message = $localize`An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to ${this.forgotPasswordEmail}. The link will expire within 1 hour.` this.notifier.success(message) this.hideForgotPasswordModal() }, error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message) }) } openForgotPasswordModal () { this.openedForgotPasswordModal = } hideForgotPasswordModal () { this.openedForgotPasswordModal.close() } onInstanceAboutAccordionInit (instanceAboutAccordion: InstanceAboutAccordionComponent) { this.accordion = instanceAboutAccordion.accordion } hasUsernameUppercase () { return this.form.value['username'].match(/[A-Z]/) } private loadExternalAuthToken (username: string, token: string) { this.isAuthenticatedWithExternalAuth = true this.authService.login({ username, password: null, token }) .subscribe({ next: () => { const redirectUrl = if (redirectUrl) { return this.router.navigateByUrl(redirectUrl) } this.redirectService.redirectToLatestSessionRoute() }, error: err => { this.handleError(err) this.isAuthenticatedWithExternalAuth = false } }) } private handleError (err: any) { if (this.authService.isOTPMissingError(err)) { this.otpStep = true setTimeout(() => { this.form.get('otp-token').setValidators(USER_OTP_TOKEN_VALIDATOR.VALIDATORS) this.otpTokenInput.focus() }) return } if (err.message.includes('credentials are invalid')) { this.error = $localize`Incorrect username or password.` return } if (err.message.includes('blocked')) { this.error = $localize`Your account is blocked.` return } if (err.body?.code === ServerErrorCode.ACCOUNT_WAITING_FOR_APPROVAL) { this.error = $localize`This account is awaiting approval by moderators.` return } if (err.body?.code === ServerErrorCode.ACCOUNT_APPROVAL_REJECTED) { this.error = $localize`Registration approval has been rejected for this account.` return } this.error = err.message } }