import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { AuthService, Notifier } from '@app/core' import { SortMeta } from 'primeng/api' import { ConfirmService, ServerService } from '../../../core' import { RestPagination, RestTable, UserService } from '../../../shared' import { I18n } from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill' import { ServerConfig, User } from '../../../../../../shared' import { UserBanModalComponent } from '@app/shared/moderation' import { DropdownAction } from '@app/shared/buttons/action-dropdown.component' import { Actor } from '@app/shared/actor/actor.model' @Component({ selector: 'my-user-list', templateUrl: './user-list.component.html', styleUrls: [ './user-list.component.scss' ] }) export class UserListComponent extends RestTable implements OnInit { @ViewChild('userBanModal', { static: true }) userBanModal: UserBanModalComponent users: User[] = [] totalRecords = 0 sort: SortMeta = { field: 'createdAt', order: 1 } pagination: RestPagination = { count: this.rowsPerPage, start: 0 } selectedUsers: User[] = [] bulkUserActions: DropdownAction[][] = [] private serverConfig: ServerConfig constructor ( private notifier: Notifier, private confirmService: ConfirmService, private serverService: ServerService, private userService: UserService, private auth: AuthService, private i18n: I18n ) { super() } get authUser () { return this.auth.getUser() } get requiresEmailVerification () { return this.serverConfig.signup.requiresEmailVerification } ngOnInit () { this.serverConfig = this.serverService.getTmpConfig() this.serverService.getConfig() .subscribe(config => this.serverConfig = config) this.initialize() this.bulkUserActions = [ [ { label: this.i18n('Delete'), description: this.i18n('Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned.'), handler: users => this.removeUsers(users), isDisplayed: users => users.every(u => this.authUser.canManage(u)) }, { label: this.i18n('Ban'), description: this.i18n('User won\'t be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is.'), handler: users => this.openBanUserModal(users), isDisplayed: users => users.every(u => this.authUser.canManage(u) && u.blocked === false) }, { label: this.i18n('Unban'), handler: users => this.unbanUsers(users), isDisplayed: users => users.every(u => this.authUser.canManage(u) && u.blocked === true) } ], [ { label: this.i18n('Set Email as Verified'), handler: users => this.setEmailsAsVerified(users), isDisplayed: users => { return this.requiresEmailVerification && users.every(u => this.authUser.canManage(u) && !u.blocked && u.emailVerified === false) } } ] ] } getIdentifier () { return 'UserListComponent' } openBanUserModal (users: User[]) { for (const user of users) { if (user.username === 'root') { this.notifier.error(this.i18n('You cannot ban root.')) return } } this.userBanModal.openModal(users) } onUserChanged () { this.loadData() } switchToDefaultAvatar ($event: Event) { ($ as HTMLImageElement).src = Actor.GET_DEFAULT_AVATAR_URL() } async unbanUsers (users: User[]) { const message = this.i18n('Do you really want to unban {{num}} users?', { num: users.length }) const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(message, this.i18n('Unban')) if (res === false) return this.userService.unbanUsers(users) .subscribe( () => { const message = this.i18n('{{num}} users unbanned.', { num: users.length }) this.notifier.success(message) this.loadData() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } async removeUsers (users: User[]) { for (const user of users) { if (user.username === 'root') { this.notifier.error(this.i18n('You cannot delete root.')) return } } const message = this.i18n('If you remove these users, you will not be able to create others with the same username!') const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(message, this.i18n('Delete')) if (res === false) return this.userService.removeUser(users).subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success(this.i18n('{{num}} users deleted.', { num: users.length })) this.loadData() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } async setEmailsAsVerified (users: User[]) { this.userService.updateUsers(users, { emailVerified: true }).subscribe( () => { this.notifier.success(this.i18n('{{num}} users email set as verified.', { num: users.length })) this.loadData() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } isInSelectionMode () { return this.selectedUsers.length !== 0 } protected loadData () { this.selectedUsers = [] this.userService.getUsers(this.pagination, this.sort, .subscribe( resultList => { this.users = this.totalRecords = }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } }