{{ user.videosCount }} ({{ user.videoQuotaUsed | bytes: 0 }})
{user.videosCount, plural, =1 {Video} other {Videos}}
{{ user.videoChannels.length || 0 }}
{user.videoChannels.length, plural, =1 {Channel} other {Channels}}
{{ subscribersCount }}
{subscribersCount, plural, =1 {Subscriber} other {Subscribers}}
{{ user.abusesCount }}
Incriminated in reports
{{ user.abusesAcceptedCount }} / {{ user.abusesCreatedCount }}
Authored reports accepted
{{ user.videoCommentsCount }}
{user.videoCommentsCount, plural, =1 {Comment} other {Comments}}
{{ error }}
{{ formErrors.username }}
{{ formErrors.channelName }}
{{ formErrors.email }}
If you leave the password empty, an email will be sent to the user.
{{ formErrors.role }}
{{ formErrors.videoQuota }}
{{ formErrors.videoQuotaDaily }}
Enable this checkbox if this user doesn't need to have its videos reviewed by moderators.
Send a link to reset the password by email to the user
Manually set the user password
This user has two factor authentication enabled