import { forkJoin } from 'rxjs' import { ViewportScroller } from '@angular/common' import { AfterViewChecked, Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { ConfigService } from '@app/+admin/config/shared/config.service' import { Notifier } from '@app/core' import { ServerService } from '@app/core/server/server.service' import { ADMIN_EMAIL_VALIDATOR, CACHE_CAPTIONS_SIZE_VALIDATOR, CACHE_PREVIEWS_SIZE_VALIDATOR, INDEX_URL_VALIDATOR, INSTANCE_NAME_VALIDATOR, INSTANCE_SHORT_DESCRIPTION_VALIDATOR, SEARCH_INDEX_URL_VALIDATOR, SERVICES_TWITTER_USERNAME_VALIDATOR, SIGNUP_LIMIT_VALIDATOR, TRANSCODING_THREADS_VALIDATOR } from '@app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators' import { USER_VIDEO_QUOTA_DAILY_VALIDATOR, USER_VIDEO_QUOTA_VALIDATOR } from '@app/shared/form-validators/user-validators' import { FormReactive, FormValidatorService, SelectOptionsItem } from '@app/shared/shared-forms' import { NgbNav } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' import { CustomConfig, ServerConfig } from '@shared/models' @Component({ selector: 'my-edit-custom-config', templateUrl: './edit-custom-config.component.html', styleUrls: [ './edit-custom-config.component.scss' ] }) export class EditCustomConfigComponent extends FormReactive implements OnInit, AfterViewChecked { // FIXME: use built-in router @ViewChild('nav') nav: NgbNav initDone = false customConfig: CustomConfig resolutions: { id: string, label: string, description?: string }[] = [] liveResolutions: { id: string, label: string, description?: string }[] = [] transcodingThreadOptions: { label: string, value: number }[] = [] liveMaxDurationOptions: { label: string, value: number }[] = [] languageItems: SelectOptionsItem[] = [] categoryItems: SelectOptionsItem[] = [] private serverConfig: ServerConfig constructor ( private viewportScroller: ViewportScroller, protected formValidatorService: FormValidatorService, private notifier: Notifier, private configService: ConfigService, private serverService: ServerService ) { super() this.resolutions = [ { id: '0p', label: $localize`Audio-only`, description: $localize`A .mp4 that keeps the original audio track, with no video` }, { id: '240p', label: $localize`240p` }, { id: '360p', label: $localize`360p` }, { id: '480p', label: $localize`480p` }, { id: '720p', label: $localize`720p` }, { id: '1080p', label: $localize`1080p` }, { id: '2160p', label: $localize`2160p` } ] this.liveResolutions = this.resolutions.filter(r => !== '0p') this.transcodingThreadOptions = [ { value: 0, label: $localize`Auto (via ffmpeg)` }, { value: 1, label: '1' }, { value: 2, label: '2' }, { value: 4, label: '4' }, { value: 8, label: '8' } ] this.liveMaxDurationOptions = [ { value: 0, label: $localize`No limit` }, { value: 1000 * 3600, label: $localize`1 hour` }, { value: 1000 * 3600 * 3, label: $localize`3 hours` }, { value: 1000 * 3600 * 5, label: $localize`5 hours` }, { value: 1000 * 3600 * 10, label: $localize`10 hours` } ] } get videoQuotaOptions () { return this.configService.videoQuotaOptions } get videoQuotaDailyOptions () { return this.configService.videoQuotaDailyOptions } get availableThemes () { return this.serverConfig.theme.registered .map(t => } getResolutionKey (resolution: string) { return 'transcoding.resolutions.' + resolution } ngOnInit () { this.serverConfig = this.serverService.getTmpConfig() this.serverService.getConfig() .subscribe(config => { this.serverConfig = config }) const formGroupData: { [key in keyof CustomConfig ]: any } = { instance: { name: INSTANCE_NAME_VALIDATOR, shortDescription: INSTANCE_SHORT_DESCRIPTION_VALIDATOR, description: null, isNSFW: false, defaultNSFWPolicy: null, terms: null, codeOfConduct: null, creationReason: null, moderationInformation: null, administrator: null, maintenanceLifetime: null, businessModel: null, hardwareInformation: null, categories: null, languages: null, defaultClientRoute: null, customizations: { javascript: null, css: null } }, theme: { default: null }, services: { twitter: { username: SERVICES_TWITTER_USERNAME_VALIDATOR, whitelisted: null } }, cache: { previews: { size: CACHE_PREVIEWS_SIZE_VALIDATOR }, captions: { size: CACHE_CAPTIONS_SIZE_VALIDATOR } }, signup: { enabled: null, limit: SIGNUP_LIMIT_VALIDATOR, requiresEmailVerification: null }, import: { videos: { http: { enabled: null }, torrent: { enabled: null } } }, admin: { email: ADMIN_EMAIL_VALIDATOR }, contactForm: { enabled: null }, user: { videoQuota: USER_VIDEO_QUOTA_VALIDATOR, videoQuotaDaily: USER_VIDEO_QUOTA_DAILY_VALIDATOR }, transcoding: { enabled: null, threads: TRANSCODING_THREADS_VALIDATOR, allowAdditionalExtensions: null, allowAudioFiles: null, resolutions: {}, hls: { enabled: null }, webtorrent: { enabled: null } }, live: { enabled: null, maxDuration: null, allowReplay: null, transcoding: { enabled: null, threads: TRANSCODING_THREADS_VALIDATOR, resolutions: {} } }, autoBlacklist: { videos: { ofUsers: { enabled: null } } }, followers: { instance: { enabled: null, manualApproval: null } }, followings: { instance: { autoFollowBack: { enabled: null }, autoFollowIndex: { enabled: null, indexUrl: INDEX_URL_VALIDATOR } } }, broadcastMessage: { enabled: null, level: null, dismissable: null, message: null }, search: { remoteUri: { users: null, anonymous: null }, searchIndex: { enabled: null, url: SEARCH_INDEX_URL_VALIDATOR, disableLocalSearch: null, isDefaultSearch: null } } } const defaultValues = { transcoding: { resolutions: {} }, live: { transcoding: { resolutions: {} } } } for (const resolution of this.resolutions) { defaultValues.transcoding.resolutions[] = 'false' formGroupData.transcoding.resolutions[] = null } for (const resolution of this.liveResolutions) {[] = 'false'[] = null } this.buildForm(formGroupData) this.loadForm() this.checkTranscodingFields() } ngAfterViewChecked () { if (!this.initDone) { this.initDone = true this.gotoAnchor() } } isTranscodingEnabled () { return this.form.value['transcoding']['enabled'] === true } isLiveEnabled () { return this.form.value['live']['enabled'] === true } isLiveTranscodingEnabled () { return this.form.value['live']['transcoding']['enabled'] === true } isSignupEnabled () { return this.form.value['signup']['enabled'] === true } isSearchIndexEnabled () { return this.form.value['search']['searchIndex']['enabled'] === true } isAutoFollowIndexEnabled () { return this.form.value['followings']['instance']['autoFollowIndex']['enabled'] === true } async formValidated () { this.configService.updateCustomConfig(this.form.getRawValue()) .subscribe( res => { this.customConfig = res // Reload general configuration this.serverService.resetConfig() this.updateForm() this.notifier.success($localize`Configuration updated.`) }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } gotoAnchor () { const hashToNav = { 'customizations': 'advanced-configuration' } const hash = window.location.hash.replace('#', '') if (hash && Object.keys(hashToNav).includes(hash)) {[hash]) setTimeout(() => this.viewportScroller.scrollToAnchor(hash), 100) } } hasConsistentOptions () { if (this.hasLiveAllowReplayConsistentOptions()) return true return false } hasLiveAllowReplayConsistentOptions () { if (this.isTranscodingEnabled() === false && this.isLiveEnabled() && this.form.value['live']['allowReplay'] === true) { return false } return true } private updateForm () { this.form.patchValue(this.customConfig) } private loadForm () { forkJoin([ this.configService.getCustomConfig(), this.serverService.getVideoLanguages(), this.serverService.getVideoCategories() ]).subscribe( ([ config, languages, categories ]) => { this.customConfig = config this.languageItems = => ({ label: l.label, id: })) this.categoryItems = => ({ label: l.label, id: + '' })) this.updateForm() // Force form validation this.forceCheck() }, err => this.notifier.error(err.message) ) } private checkTranscodingFields () { const hlsControl = this.form.get('transcoding.hls.enabled') const webtorrentControl = this.form.get('transcoding.webtorrent.enabled') webtorrentControl.valueChanges .subscribe(newValue => { if (newValue === false && !hlsControl.disabled) { hlsControl.disable() } if (newValue === true && !hlsControl.enabled) { hlsControl.enable() } }) hlsControl.valueChanges .subscribe(newValue => { if (newValue === false && !webtorrentControl.disabled) { webtorrentControl.disable() } if (newValue === true && !webtorrentControl.enabled) { webtorrentControl.enable() } }) } }