import { pairwise } from 'rxjs/operators' import { SelectOptionsItem } from 'src/types/select-options-item.model' import { Component, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core' import { FormGroup } from '@angular/forms' import { MenuService, ThemeService } from '@app/core' import { HTMLServerConfig } from '@shared/models' import { ConfigService } from '../shared/config.service' @Component({ selector: 'my-edit-basic-configuration', templateUrl: './edit-basic-configuration.component.html', styleUrls: [ './edit-custom-config.component.scss' ] }) export class EditBasicConfigurationComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges { @Input() form: FormGroup @Input() formErrors: any @Input() serverConfig: HTMLServerConfig signupAlertMessage: string defaultLandingPageOptions: SelectOptionsItem[] = [] availableThemes: SelectOptionsItem[] constructor ( private configService: ConfigService, private menuService: MenuService, private themeService: ThemeService ) { } ngOnInit () { this.buildLandingPageOptions() this.checkSignupField() this.availableThemes = this.themeService.buildAvailableThemes() } ngOnChanges (changes: SimpleChanges) { if (changes['serverConfig']) { this.buildLandingPageOptions() } } countExternalAuth () { return this.serverConfig.plugin.registeredExternalAuths.length } getVideoQuotaOptions () { return this.configService.videoQuotaOptions } getVideoQuotaDailyOptions () { return this.configService.videoQuotaDailyOptions } doesTrendingVideosAlgorithmsEnabledInclude (algorithm: string) { const enabled = this.form.value['trending']['videos']['algorithms']['enabled'] if (!Array.isArray(enabled)) return false return !!enabled.find((e: string) => e === algorithm) } isSignupEnabled () { return this.form.value['signup']['enabled'] === true } getDisabledSignupClass () { return { 'disabled-checkbox-extra': !this.isSignupEnabled() } } hasUnlimitedSignup () { return this.form.value['signup']['limit'] === -1 } isSearchIndexEnabled () { return this.form.value['search']['searchIndex']['enabled'] === true } getDisabledSearchIndexClass () { return { 'disabled-checkbox-extra': !this.isSearchIndexEnabled() } } isAutoFollowIndexEnabled () { return this.form.value['followings']['instance']['autoFollowIndex']['enabled'] === true } buildLandingPageOptions () { this.defaultLandingPageOptions = this.menuService.buildCommonLinks(this.serverConfig) .links .map(o => ({ id: o.path, label: o.label, description: o.path })) } getDefaultThemeLabel () { return this.themeService.getDefaultThemeLabel() } private checkSignupField () { const signupControl = this.form.get('signup.enabled') signupControl.valueChanges .pipe(pairwise()) .subscribe(([ oldValue, newValue ]) => { if (oldValue === false && newValue === true) { /* eslint-disable max-len */ this.signupAlertMessage = $localize`You enabled signup: we automatically enabled the "Block new videos automatically" checkbox of the "Videos" section just below.` this.form.patchValue({ autoBlacklist: { videos: { ofUsers: { enabled: true } } } }) } }) signupControl.updateValueAndValidity() } }