import { LoginPage } from '../po/login.po' import { MyAccountPage } from '../po/my-account.po' import { PlayerPage } from '../po/player.po' import { VideoListPage } from '../po/video-list.po' import { VideoUpdatePage } from '../po/video-update.po' import { VideoUploadPage } from '../po/video-upload.po' import { VideoWatchPage } from '../po/video-watch.po' import { FIXTURE_URLS, go, isIOS, isMobileDevice, isSafari, waitServerUp } from '../utils' function isUploadUnsupported () { if (isMobileDevice() || isSafari()) { console.log('Skipping because we are on a real device or Safari and BrowserStack does not support file upload.') return true } return false } describe('Videos all workflow', () => { let videoWatchPage: VideoWatchPage let videoListPage: VideoListPage let videoUploadPage: VideoUploadPage let videoUpdatePage: VideoUpdatePage let myAccountPage: MyAccountPage let loginPage: LoginPage let playerPage: PlayerPage let videoName = Math.random() + ' video' const video2Name = Math.random() + ' second video' const playlistName = Math.random() + ' playlist' let videoWatchUrl: string before(async () => { if (isIOS()) { console.log('iOS detected') } else if (isMobileDevice()) { console.log('Android detected.') } else if (isSafari()) { console.log('Safari detected.') } if (isUploadUnsupported()) return await waitServerUp() }) beforeEach(async () => { videoWatchPage = new VideoWatchPage(isMobileDevice(), isSafari()) videoUploadPage = new VideoUploadPage() videoUpdatePage = new VideoUpdatePage() myAccountPage = new MyAccountPage() loginPage = new LoginPage(isMobileDevice()) playerPage = new PlayerPage() videoListPage = new VideoListPage(isMobileDevice(), isSafari()) if (!isMobileDevice()) { await browser.maximizeWindow() } }) it('Should log in', async () => { if (isMobileDevice() || isSafari()) { console.log('Skipping because we are on a real device or Safari and BrowserStack does not support file upload.') return } return loginPage.loginAsRootUser() }) it('Should upload a video', async () => { if (isUploadUnsupported()) return await videoUploadPage.navigateTo() await videoUploadPage.uploadVideo('video.mp4') return videoUploadPage.validSecondUploadStep(videoName) }) it('Should list videos', async () => { await videoListPage.goOnVideosList() if (isUploadUnsupported()) return const videoNames = await videoListPage.getVideosListName() expect(videoNames).toContain(videoName) }) it('Should go on video watch page', async () => { let videoNameToExcept = videoName if (isMobileDevice() || isSafari()) { await go(FIXTURE_URLS.WEBTORRENT_VIDEO) videoNameToExcept = 'E2E tests' } else { await videoListPage.clickOnVideo(videoName) } return videoWatchPage.waitWatchVideoName(videoNameToExcept) }) it('Should play the video', async () => { videoWatchUrl = await browser.getUrl() await playerPage.playAndPauseVideo(true, 2) expect(await playerPage.getWatchVideoPlayerCurrentTime()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2) }) it('Should watch the associated embed video', async () => { await videoWatchPage.goOnAssociatedEmbed() await playerPage.playAndPauseVideo(false, 2) expect(await playerPage.getWatchVideoPlayerCurrentTime()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2) }) it('Should watch the p2p media loader embed video', async () => { await videoWatchPage.goOnP2PMediaLoaderEmbed() await playerPage.playAndPauseVideo(false, 2) expect(await playerPage.getWatchVideoPlayerCurrentTime()).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2) }) it('Should update the video', async () => { if (isUploadUnsupported()) return await go(videoWatchUrl) await videoWatchPage.clickOnUpdate() videoName += ' updated' await videoUpdatePage.updateName(videoName) await videoUpdatePage.validUpdate() const name = await videoWatchPage.getVideoName() expect(name).toEqual(videoName) }) it('Should add the video in my playlist', async () => { if (isUploadUnsupported()) return await videoWatchPage.clickOnSave() await videoWatchPage.createPlaylist(playlistName) await videoWatchPage.saveToPlaylist(playlistName) await browser.pause(5000) await videoUploadPage.navigateTo() await videoUploadPage.uploadVideo('video2.mp4') await videoUploadPage.validSecondUploadStep(video2Name) await videoWatchPage.clickOnSave() await videoWatchPage.saveToPlaylist(playlistName) }) it('Should have the playlist in my account', async () => { if (isUploadUnsupported()) return await myAccountPage.navigateToMyPlaylists() const videosNumberText = await myAccountPage.getPlaylistVideosText(playlistName) expect(videosNumberText).toEqual('2 videos') await myAccountPage.clickOnPlaylist(playlistName) const count = await myAccountPage.countTotalPlaylistElements() expect(count).toEqual(2) }) it('Should watch the playlist', async () => { if (isUploadUnsupported()) return await myAccountPage.playPlaylist() await videoWatchPage.waitUntilVideoName(video2Name, 30 * 1000) }) it('Should watch the webtorrent playlist in the embed', async () => { if (isUploadUnsupported()) return const accessToken = await browser.execute(`return window.localStorage.getItem('access_token');`) const refreshToken = await browser.execute(`return window.localStorage.getItem('refresh_token');`) await myAccountPage.goOnAssociatedPlaylistEmbed() await playerPage.waitUntilPlayerWrapper() console.log('Will set %s and %s tokens in local storage.', accessToken, refreshToken) await browser.execute(`window.localStorage.setItem('access_token', '${accessToken}');`) await browser.execute(`window.localStorage.setItem('refresh_token', '${refreshToken}');`) await browser.execute(`window.localStorage.setItem('token_type', 'Bearer');`) await browser.refresh() await playerPage.playVideo() await playerPage.waitUntilPlaylistInfo('2/2', 30 * 1000) }) it('Should watch the HLS playlist in the embed', async () => { await videoWatchPage.goOnP2PMediaLoaderPlaylistEmbed() await playerPage.playVideo() await playerPage.waitUntilPlaylistInfo('2/2', 30 * 1000) }) it('Should delete the video 2', async () => { if (isUploadUnsupported()) return // Go to the dev website await go(videoWatchUrl) await myAccountPage.navigateToMyVideos() await myAccountPage.removeVideo(video2Name) await myAccountPage.validRemove() await browser.waitUntil(async () => { const count = await myAccountPage.countVideos([ videoName, video2Name ]) return count === 1 }) }) it('Should delete the first video', async () => { if (isUploadUnsupported()) return await myAccountPage.removeVideo(videoName) await myAccountPage.validRemove() }) })