import { browser, by, element } from 'protractor' export class VideoWatchPage { async goOnVideosList (isMobileDevice: boolean, isSafari: boolean) { let url: string // We did not upload a file on a mobile device if (isMobileDevice === true || isSafari === true) { url = '' } else { url = '/videos/recently-added' } await browser.get(url) // Waiting the following element does not work on Safari... if (isSafari === true) return browser.sleep(3000) const elem = element.all(by.css('.videos .video-miniature .video-miniature-name')).first() return browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(elem)) } getVideosListName () { return element.all(by.css('.videos .video-miniature .video-miniature-name')) .getText() .then((texts: any) => => t.trim())) } waitWatchVideoName (videoName: string, isMobileDevice: boolean, isSafari: boolean) { // On mobile we display the first node, on desktop the second const index = isMobileDevice ? 0 : 1 const elem = element.all(by.css('.video-info .video-info-name')).get(index) if (isSafari) return browser.sleep(5000) return browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElement(elem, videoName)) } getWatchVideoPlayerCurrentTime () { return element(by.css('.video-js .vjs-current-time-display')) .getText() .then((t: string) => t.split(':')[1]) .then(seconds => parseInt(seconds, 10)) } async pauseVideo (isAutoplay: boolean, isMobileDevice: boolean) { if (isAutoplay === false) { const playButton = element(by.css('.vjs-big-play-button')) await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(playButton)) await } await browser.sleep(1000) await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOf(element(by.css('.vjs-loading-spinner')))) const videojsEl = element(by.css('')) await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(videojsEl)) // On Android, we need to click twice on "play" (BrowserStack particularity) if (isMobileDevice) { await browser.sleep(3000) await } await browser.sleep(7000) return } async clickOnVideo (videoName: string) { const video = element(by.css('.videos .video-miniature .video-thumbnail[title="' + videoName + '"]')) await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(video)) await await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.urlContains('/watch/')) } async clickOnFirstVideo () { const video = element.all(by.css('.videos .video-miniature .video-thumbnail')).first() const videoName = element.all(by.css('.videos .video-miniature .video-miniature-name')).first() // Don't know why but the expectation fails on Safari await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(video)) const textToReturn = videoName.getText() await await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.urlContains('/watch/')) return textToReturn } async goOnAssociatedEmbed () { let url = await browser.getCurrentUrl() url = url.replace('/watch/', '/embed/') url = url.replace(':3333', ':9001') return browser.get(url) } }