import { getCheckbox, go } from '../utils' export class MyAccountPage { navigateToMyVideos () { return $('a[href="/my-library/videos"]').click() } navigateToMyPlaylists () { return $('a[href="/my-library/video-playlists"]').click() } navigateToMyHistory () { return $('a[href="/my-library/history/videos"]').click() } // Settings navigateToMySettings () { return $('a[href="/my-account"]').click() } async updateNSFW (newValue: 'do_not_list' | 'blur' | 'display') { const nsfw = $('#nsfwPolicy') await nsfw.waitForDisplayed() await nsfw.scrollIntoView(false) // Avoid issues with fixed header on firefox await nsfw.selectByAttribute('value', newValue) await this.submitVideoSettings() } async clickOnP2PCheckbox () { const p2p = await getCheckbox('p2pEnabled') await p2p.waitForClickable() await p2p.scrollIntoView(false) // Avoid issues with fixed header on firefox await await this.submitVideoSettings() } private async submitVideoSettings () { const submit = $('my-user-video-settings input[type=submit]') await submit.scrollIntoView(false) await } // My account Videos async removeVideo (name: string) { const container = await this.getVideoElement(name) await container.$('.dropdown-toggle').click() const dropdownMenu = () => container.$$('.dropdown-menu .dropdown-item')[1] await dropdownMenu().waitForDisplayed() return dropdownMenu().click() } validRemove () { return $('input[type=submit]').click() } async countVideos (names: string[]) { const elements = await $$('.video').filter(async e => { const t = await e.$('.video-miniature-name').getText() return names.some(n => t.includes(n)) }) return elements.length } // My account playlists async getPlaylistVideosText (name: string) { const elem = await this.getPlaylist(name) return elem.$('.miniature-playlist-info-overlay').getText() } async clickOnPlaylist (name: string) { const elem = await this.getPlaylist(name) return elem.$('.miniature-thumbnail').click() } async countTotalPlaylistElements () { await $('').waitForDisplayed() return $$('').length } playPlaylist () { return $('.playlist-info .miniature-thumbnail').click() } async goOnAssociatedPlaylistEmbed () { let url = await browser.getUrl() url = url.replace('/w/p/', '/video-playlists/embed/') url = url.replace(':3333', ':9001') return go(url) } // My account Videos private async getVideoElement (name: string) { const video = async () => { const videos = await $$('.video').filter(async e => { const t = await e.$('.video-miniature-name').getText() return t.includes(name) }) return videos[0] } await browser.waitUntil(async () => { return (await video()).isDisplayed() }) return video() } // My account playlists private async getPlaylist (name: string) { const playlist = () => { return $$('my-video-playlist-miniature') .filter(async e => { const t = await e.$('.miniature-name').getText() return t.includes(name) }) .then(elems => elems[0]) } await browser.waitUntil(async () => { const el = await playlist() return el?.isDisplayed() }) return playlist() } }