# purs-loader > [PureScript](http://www.purescript.org) loader for [webpack](http://webpack.github.io) ## Install Install with [npm](https://npmjs.org/package/purs-loader) ``` npm install purs-loader --save-dev ``` ## Options ###### `noPrelude` (Boolean) Toggles `--no-prelude` that omits the Prelude. ###### `noTco` (Boolean) Toggles `--no-tco` that disables tail-call optimizations. ###### `noMagicDo` (Boolean) Toggles `--no-magic-do` that disables optimizations overloading the do keyword generating efficient code for the `Eff` monad. ###### `noOpts` (Boolean) Toggles `--no-opts` that skips the optimization phase. ###### `verboseErrors` (Boolean) Toggles `--verbose-errors` that displays verbose error messages. ###### `comments` (Boolean) Toggles `--comments` that includes comments in generated code. ###### `output` (String) Sets `--output=` the specifies the output directory, `output` by default. ###### `noPrefix` (Boolean) Toggles `--no-prefix` that does not include the comment header. ###### `src` (String Array) Specifies PureScript source paths to be globbed for `.purs` files. By default, `bower_components` is search. Additional paths may be specified using this option. This option is specified as `src[]=path`. ## Example See the [example](https://github.com/ethul/purs-loader/tree/master/example) directory for a complete example.