Rundeck jobs ========= This role synchronize a directory containing yaml definition of jobs with a rundeck project Requirements ------------ * `jmespath` python module Role Variables -------------- * `rundeck_jobs_path` path of the directory containing the job definition (mandatory). * `rundeck_project` name of the rundeck project (mandatory). * `rundeck_api_url` base url of api (mandatory). * `rundeck_api_token` the authentification token (mandatory). * `rundeck_api_version` api version supported by rundeck server. Default to 26. * `rundeck_remove_missing` Whether to delete jobs present in rundeck and not in file. Defaults to true. * `rundeck_jobs_group` the group of job to check for removal Dependencies ------------ None Example Playbook ---------------- Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too: - hosts: servers vars: rundeck_api_url: rundeck_project: test rundeck_jobs_path: /tmp/rundeck-jobs roles: - rundeck-jobs License ------- TBD Author Information ------------------ FretLink, Love and Truck