# purs-loader > [PureScript](http://www.purescript.org) loader for [webpack](http://webpack.github.io) - Supports hot-reloading and rebuilding of single source files - Dead code elimination using the `bundle` option - Colorized build output using `purescript-psa` and the `psc: "psa"` option ## Install Install with [npm](https://npmjs.org/package/purs-loader). ``` npm install purs-loader@next --save-dev ``` ## Example ```javascript const webpackConfig = { // ... loaders: [ // ... { test: /\.purs$/, loader: 'purs-loader', exclude: /node_modules/, query: { psc: 'psa', src: ['bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.purs', 'src/**/*.purs'], ffi: ['bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.js', 'src/**/*.js'], } } // ... ] // ... } ``` Refer to the [purescript-webpack-example](https://github.com/ethul/purescript-webpack-example) for a more detailed example. ### Options Default options: ```javascript { psc: 'psc', pscArgs: {}, pscBundle: 'psc-bundle', pscBundleArgs: {}, pscIde: false, // instant rebuilds using psc-ide-server (experimental) pscIdeColors: false, // defaults to true if psc === 'psa' bundleOutput: 'output/bundle.js', bundleNamespace: 'PS', bundle: false, warnings: true, output: 'output', src: [ path.join('src', '**', '*.purs'), path.join('bower_components', 'purescript-*', 'src', '**', '*.purs') ], ffi: [ path.join('src', '**', '*.js'), path.join('bower_components', 'purescript-*', 'src', '**', '*.js') ], } ``` ### Instant rebuilds (experimental) Experimental support for instant rebuilds using `psc-ide-server` can be enabled via the `pscIde: true` option.