# ansible-clever Ansible role for clever cloud deployment ======= Clever deploy ========= This roles deploy an haskell app on clever cloud (https://www.clever-cloud.com). Requirements ------------ Role Variables -------------- Variables for the application - `clever_token`: clever_cloud token, mandatory. - `clever_secret`: clever_cloud secret, mandatory. - `clever_app`: the id of the app to link, mandatory. - `clever_entry_point`: the executable name to be executed by clever cloud, mandatory - `clever_env`: a dict of environment variables for the application (without add_ons one already available), optional. - `clever_base_env`: a dict set in vars/main.yml with safe default and mandatory variables for an app to be run on clever. ` clever_base_env | combine(clever_env)` is passed to `clever env` command - `clever_addons`: a list of dict describing addons enabled for the application from which we would use information during deploy, optional.
Example: `{ name: pg, env_prefix: POSTGRESQL_ADDON }` - `clever_app_tasks_file`: tasks file to be executed after environment and addons variables where gathered. Specific to an app, should be use to run migrations. Optional. - `domain`: the domain from which the application should be reachable, optional - `syslog_server`: UDP Syslog server to be used as UDPSyslog drain for the application, optional. Example: `udp://`. Variables specific to deployment, default should be fine: - `clever_cli_version`: Version of clever cli tools, default to `0.9.3`. - `clever_user_path`: Path relative to ansible_user home dir where cli tools and helpers are installed default to `.local/bin`. - `clever_app_root`: Path of the application to deploy, default to `"{{ playbook_dir }}/.."`, ie ansible directory in the root of the application. - `clever_app_confdir`: Path where to store clever cloud data specific to this application, default to `"{{ clever_app_root }}/.clever_cloud"` - `clever_login_file`: Path to store login information. Default to `"{{ clever_app_confdir }}/login"`. Dependencies ------------ None Example Playbook ---------------- Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too: - hosts: servers roles: - { role: fretlink.clever, clever_app: 42, clever_token: "{{ vault_clever_token }}", clever_secret: "{{ vault_clever_secret}}" } TODO ---- Add some tests and Travis integration License ------- BSD Author Information ------------------ Developped at Fretlink (https://www.fretlink.com) for our