kong-app ========= [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/fretlink/ansible-kong-app.svg?token=D3nFpUxMu7vStDHwUNy4&branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/fretlink/ansible-kong-app) This role aims at creating, on a remote kong, a list of services, routes and plugins needed by an app. The API calls are made from the ansible target host. If you use `hosts: localhost` as a target from within your playbook then all API calls will be done from your local machine. Requirements ------------ A Kong server which you want to configure. If you want to configure this role with [Dhall](https://dhall-lang.org/) instead of YAML, the role publishes dhall bindings defined in the `dhall/package.dhall` file. These bindings will need Dhall version `1.29.0` or higher. Role Variables -------------- * `kong_servers`: an array of kong_server to configure with the following configuration: * `kong_app_admin_url` the kong admin API url (mandatory). * `kong_app_admin_apikey` the apikey to use during kong admin api calls. Defaults to `""` * `services` an array of services to setup. Defaults to `[]`. * `name` the name of the service to create for this app, **mandatory** * `url` the url of the backend of the app, **mandatory**. May refer to an upstream by its name (https://upstream_name/path) * `upstream` if the url reference an upstream a dict with the configuration, optional * `conf` the configuration as expected by kong for an upstream creation * `name` mandatory name for the upstream * `healthchecks` optional healthchecks configuration as expected by kong api * `targets` an array of dict defining a target for kong * `target` the host:port to reach the target, **mandatory** if a target is defined * `weight` the weight of the target, optional * `plugins` An array of plugins to activate with their name and config in a dict. (Plugin objects are defined in the [Kong API documentation](https://docs.konghq.com/2.1.x/admin-api/#plugin-object)) * `name` * `config` * `routes` An array of routes to create for this service. (Route objects are defined in the [Kong API documentation](https://docs.konghq.com/2.1.x/admin-api/#route-object)) * `hosts` * `paths` * `protocols` * `methods` Dependencies ------------ None Example Playbook ---------------- ```yaml - hosts: localhost roles: - role: kong-app, kong_servers: - kong_app_admin_url: http://localhost:8001, services: - name: example, url: http://example.com, plugins: [], routes: [ { hosts: [my.kong.example], paths: [/] } ] ``` Tests ---- The role is tested with automated continuous integration tests on Travis (see `tests/` directory). The test playbook targets a fake Kong server (visible in `tests/kong.py`). License ------- MIT (see LICENSE file for details) Author Information ------------------ Developed at [Fretlink](https://tech.fretlink.com)