Role Name ========= Installs rabbitmq (Configurable...HA and Clustering ready) Requirements ------------ Ensure hostnames are resolvable prior to clustering...either update /etc/hosts or ensure DNS is working. Role Variables -------------- ```` config_rabbitmq_ha: false #defines if rabbitmq ha should be configured...define here or in group_vars/group enable_rabbitmq_clustering: false #defines if setting up a rabbitmq cluster...define here or in group_vars/group erlang_cookie: LSKNKBELKPSTDBBCHETL #define erlang cookie for cluster...define here or in group_vars/group rabbitmq_config: - queue_name: logstash durable: true exchange_name: logstash type: fanout routing_key: logstash tags: 'ha-mode=all,ha-sync-mode=automatic' rabbitmq_master: [] #defines the inventory host that should be considered master...define here or in group_vars/group ```` example... group_vars/rabbitmq-cluster-nodes ```` --- enable_rabbitmq_clustering: true config_rabbitmq_ha: false rabbitmq_master: ans-test-1 ```` Dependencies ------------ A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles. Example Playbook ---------------- Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too: - hosts: servers roles: - { role: mrlesmithjr.rabbitmq } License ------- BSD Author Information ------------------ Larry Smith Jr. - @mrlesmithjr - - mrlesmithjr [at]