Netdata\_straight ========= A pretty straightforward role to install netdata using curl | bash install Requirements ------------ None Role Variables -------------- See [defaults/main.yml] * `netdata_extra_config`: An array of application configurations. Defaults to `[]` * `name`: the name of the specified collector * `specific_task_file`: a task file to be included. * `apt_dependencies`: an array of package dependencies * `pip_dependencies`: an array of pip dependencies to be installed * `extra_groups`: an array of groups to add netdata user to * `read_files`: an array of file path to which netdata user should be granted access * `collector_type`: `python`, `node`, `go` or `charts` * `replace`: when a sensor is changed from one type to another allow ro remove the old configuration * `config`: the content of the configuration file as yaml to be put in `$type.d` config * `health_config`: the templates as in netdata acceptation for this collector, an array of templates configuration * `name`: the template name * `definition`: a list of string defining the template (like 'on: apache.requests') * `netdata_alarms_overrides`: an array of override for default netdata templates * `name`: friendly name of the override (filesystem compatible) * `override`: the content of the override Dependencies ------------ None Example Playbook ---------------- ``` - hosts: servers roles: - { role: ansible_straight, netdata_installer: kickstart-static64 } ``` License ------- BSD Author Information ------------------ Fretlink