# purs-loader > [PureScript](http://www.purescript.org) loader for [webpack](http://webpack.github.io) ## Install Install with [npm](https://npmjs.org/package/purs-loader) ``` npm install purs-loader --save-dev ``` ## Options ###### `noPrelude` (Boolean) Toggles `--no-prelude` that omits the Prelude. ###### `noTco` (Boolean) Toggles `--no-tco` that disables tail-call optimizations. ###### `noMagicDo` (Boolean) Toggles `--no-magic-do` that disables optimizations overloading the do keyword generating efficient code for the `Eff` monad. ###### `noOpts` (Boolean) Toggles `--no-opts` that skips the optimization phase. ###### `verboseErrors` (Boolean) Toggles `--verbose-errors` that displays verbose error messages. ###### `comments` (Boolean) Toggles `--comments` that includes comments in generated code. ###### `output` (String) Sets `--output=` the specifies the output directory, `output` by default. ###### `noPrefix` (Boolean) Toggles `--no-prefix` that does not include the comment header. ###### `ffi` (String Array) Specifies the PureScript FFI files setting `--ffi=`. Glob syntax is supported. This option is specified as `ffi[]=path`. ###### `src` (String Array) Specifies the PureScript source files. Glob syntax is supported. This option is specified as `src[]=path`. ## Example ```js // webpack.config.js var path = require('path'); var srcs = ['src[]=bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.purs', 'src[]=src/**/*.purs']; var ffis = ['ffi[]=bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.js']; var output = 'output'; var modulesDirectories = [ 'node_modules', // The bower component for purescript-prelude is specified here to // allow JavaScript files to require the 'Prelude' module globally. 'bower_components/purescript-prelude/src' ]; var config = { entry: './src/entry' , output: { path: __dirname , pathinfo: true , filename: 'bundle.js' } , module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.purs$/ , loader: 'purs-loader?output=' + output + '&' + srcs.concat(ffis).join('&') } ] } , resolve: { modulesDirectories: modulesDirectories , extensions: ['', '.js', '.purs'] } , resolveLoader: { root: path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules') } } ; module.exports = config; ``` See the [example](https://github.com/ethul/purs-loader/tree/master/example) directory for a complete example. ## Notes A `.psci` file is generated during each run of the loader.